Pudong airport LED lighting

With the completion of the pudong airport terminal LED lighting engineering ShuYun to from pudong airport during the period of a large number of Chinese and foreign tourists can feel two terminal system more downy lamplight, the light is more appropriate, the overall waiting environment due to the improvement of the lighting becomes more affinity and pleasant.More happily, due to the LED lighting technology, energy consumption has fallen sharply in pudong airport, energy conservation and emissions reduction benefits significantly increased.For earth "cool" in sorching summer, the pudong airport in action.

Pudong airport LED lighting

Pudong Airport Terminal energy consumption relative concentration of two large public buildings, with a total construction area of ??480,000 square meters. Terminal T1 and T2 terminals have been put into operation, respectively, to 16 years and 7 years. Years of operation records show that the terminal lighting system is second only to the air conditioning system of the airport's second-largest energy-hungry power. To this end, the Pudong Airport Terminal each region choose the right lighting solutions and energy-saving lamps and lighting control systems combine the terminal building to implement energy saving, intelligent lighting retrofits is the main direction of "green airport" construction. Class airport experience from abroad, many of the energy-saving lighting system means and measures, the application of LED lighting technology is the airport of energy saving a major breakthrough.

LED lighting as a semiconductor device, the effective life of up to 50,000 hours, compared with the original airport of energy-saving lamp life extended more than doubled. Moreover, compared with the traditional lighting technology, LED lamps can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions and personnel maintenance frequency. Pudong Airport Terminal existing lighting system, the majority of lighting fixtures to energy-based working environment, energy efficiency has been significantly lagging behind compared to the LED. Therefore, the Pudong airport to replace the existing lamps with LED lamps lighting energy-saving projects in the terminal, thereby greatly improving energy efficiency and reliability. Compared with the traditional energy-saving lamps, although the replacement LED lamps require a higher initial cost, but the Pudong airport to the "Green Airport" as the goal, the use of energy management contract (EMC) of the new power management mode, can greatly reduce facilities procurement costs, more prominent is that you can save a lot of energy consumption through lighting upgrades, reduced electricity costs to reduce operating costs.

Since 2015, the Pudong airport contract energy management mode, the terminal of the original energy-saving lamp gradually transformed into the same size specifications of LED lamps, has completed the transformation of more than 5,000 sets of lights can save nearly 100 million kWh of electricity per year, the energy efficiency of 60%. The field illumination test, after the transformation of the terminal reach the main building welcoming regional average illuminance of around 250 lx, 100 lx illumination compared to the original about upgrading more than doubled, and the LED lighting the light is closer to natural light, Terminal more soft and comfortable lighting environment, the human eye in this case easier to distinguish objects, to better reflect the Pudong airport "people-oriented" service concept.


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