Traditional lighting sales turn lower

Traditional lighting sales turn lower

By the economic downturn affecting the environment, and rapidly advancing LED lighting to replace traditional lighting, lighting industry in China has also been a certain extent, the lighting market unpleasantness. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2015 January-May National Lighting products export $ 16.477 billion, an increase of 15.97%. Which, in addition to the incandescent electric light source products, the fluorescent lamps, halogen lamps, high intensity discharge lamps export value of all there was a substantial decline, but other exports include various types of electric light sources, including LED light source of 53.13% places growth ahead.

Production side, 2015 January-May China's total cumulative production of electric light 7.254 billion, down 7.35%. Wherein incandescent cumulative production 1.702 billion, down 0.39 percent, fluorescent cumulative production 1.575 billion, down 4.93%. Lamps and lighting equipment is producing 1.308 billion units, a slight increase of 0.89 percent year on year. January to April 2015, the national light-emitting diode (LED) Cumulative production reached 107.069 billion, an increase of 36.41%, including cumulative production of Guangdong 71.653 billion, an increase of 64.76%.


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