Factors for consideration in the design of LED Tunnel Lights

  Compared with the high-pressure sodium lamps, LED tunnel lights have two major advantages except power saving. One of them is longer service life. The service life for high pressure sodium lamp is 20,000 hours, but for LED lamp is up to 50,000 hours, which greatly reduces the cost of routine maintenance. The second is a more sophisticated lighting illumination control. When using high pressure sodium lamp, people can only regulate the tunnel illumination by shunt control, turn off lights at intervals, etc. After using LED tunnel lighting, people can in real time control the brightness of LED lamps at the tunnel entrance section, transition section, basic section and exit section according to light intensity and traffic conditions outside the tunnel. This can not only ensure the safe passage of tunnel traffics but also achieve the purpose of energy saving. Then what are the factors for consideration in the design of tunnel lights? Editor from ENELTEC will give you a detailed introduction.

 Factors for consideration in the design of LED Tunnel Lights

  In the design of LED tunnel light, one has to consider the length, linear, interior, road types, with or without sidewalks, the structure of the linked roads, the design speed, traffic volume and car types, etc. The color of light source, lighting, arrangement, illumination level, the outside brightness and eye adaptation status must also be considered. The lighting design of tunnel is to solve issues of this series.

  Making LED tunnel light an energy- saving one lays some requirements on the light source, lighting and lighting method. Energy conservation includes conservation on both design and management, among which lighting design is the most important energy-saving measure. Conservation on lighting design includes the use of innovative and reliable design philosophy, reasonable standard values, efficient light source and lighting, the increase of light reflectance and lighting control and energy saving. Compared with the traditional light source, the biggest advantage of LED is energy-saving and stability. In view of the advantages and features of LED-based tunnel lights, improving the efficiency of the LED chip and increasing the overall efficiency of LED lamp by a reasonable light distribution design are some important issues needing address.

  The lighting effect of LED light source is one of the basic indexes measuring the efficiency of tunnel light source. According to the requirements of LED tunnel lights in practice, the light effect needed must reach a certain level of light efficiency so that they could meet the requirement of replacing the light source of sodium, metal halide in traditional road lights.


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