LED lighting Prices war upgraded

LED lighting Prices war upgraded

As the domestic lighting industry started relatively late, in the traditional lighting of the times, it has been dominated by multinational brands, Philips, Osram and other foreign brands with other brands and technical advantages of the accounting market opportunities, and strengthen the patent to suppress domestic enterprises, long-term Since the tip of the pyramid has been entrenched position. And all this, the LED lighting era is gradually changed. Due to the technical aspects of everyone-does not exist, we have the same starting line with the international giants, from the present situation, with human resources and cost advantages of domestic LED enterprises, competition in the market seems to go faster than the international brands.

LED lighting with subversion mission from traditional lighting, if the price close to the traditional energy-saving lamps date from the end of 2013 the price of bulbs, then 2014 can be said to be the first year of LED lighting, this year's competition focused on bulb fields. At 2015, it is the lamp of the dispute. In June, Op, Foshan Lighting, Sen and other major companies to start a price war, T8 lamps fall 10 RMB mark, becoming the focus of the industry is most concerned about, the next lamp prices are still falling space. And in 2016, down lights and lighting lamps will become the main battlefield of competition. Light fixtures kick call, this competition route should be no doubt. Therefore, as a down light type fixtures companies need to begin to make active preparations to fight.

Currently, LED flame between enterprises concentrated in a price war level, which both external market rally, there are technological advances and lower costs of internal driving force, while companies involved in price competition, some to suppress opponents, some to increase market share, while others are quick to digest inventory, and so forth. A price war is a simple physical competitive LED lighting products under serious homogenization, it does not have the long-term sustainability. In the future, competition in the industry will also be gradually transformed to upgrade to the value of competition.


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