Household LED lighting into a price war

In the natural resources by humans gradually depleted, the earth's average temperature gradually increased, leading to frequent El Nino conditions, governments did not dare actively involved in green energy development, and the introduction of more energy-efficient equipment. LED lighting due to have high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection, as well as flicker-free, long life and other characteristics, has become to replace the traditional incandescent light bulb lighting of choice, have taken advantage of green energy to drive LED lighting industry outlook, the global output of about 2014 LED lighting to $ 17.8 billion, compared with 2013 growth of 68%, more breath penetration exceeded 20%.

Household LED lighting into a price war

In the rapidly dropping price of LED lamps situation, LED lighting application will be getting bigger, according to the Institute released a research report that in 2015 the global lighting market will reach $ 82.1 billion, which is expected to reach 257 LED lighting applications billion, the market penetration rate of 31%.

It is noteworthy that, LED bulbs used in automotive lighting has become increasingly large, the future is expected to become the second largest market for LED lighting applications.

In the global government policy support, product prices fell, lifting lower consumer demand for energy-saving incentives such as three bullish, LED lighting demand is expected to drive the growth of substantial growth, ITRI IEK research center estimated 2019 LED lighting market will reach $ 72.6 billion , accounting for 47.7% of the global lighting market. Europe has always been the pursuit of environmental protection is still the greatest demand for LED lighting market, accounting for about 23% of the proportion of the market on a global scale, in addition to general market demand remains strong outside the home, commercial lighting and outdoor architectural lighting market demand has continued to rise in .

The world's second largest LED lighting market, compared with the mainland, the overall market share will reach 21%, driven by the continued strong demand at the next 1 to 2 years is expected to become the world's largest LED lighting market. However, because the mainland is the world's major manufacturing base of LED lighting products, under a number of suppliers to compete, price plunge has been facing difficulties, but also led to forced global LED lamps prices decline.


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