LED lighting market growth driven demand for chips

  In recent years, LED lighting industry annual growth rate of more than 30% of the rapid development. Especially in 2014, fully backward traditional electric light source products, LED lighting penetration rate continues to improve end-use applications. In February this year, six ministries jointly issued the "planning", the government has gradually promote the use of mature technology, energy-saving effect of LED lighting products. At the national advocate support green energy-efficient lighting and LED lighting to replace folk next tide, LED lighting industry to further accelerate the future prospects for the future. Ministry of Industry and Electronic Information Division Ding Wenwu recently predicted that domestic LED output next year will continue to maintain 20% -30% growth. 2015 China LED general lighting demand will reach 10 billion US dollars, to 2020 China LED general lighting needs will reach 22 billion US dollars.

LED lighting market growth driven demand for chips

  From the current point of view, LED industry is a strategic emerging industries in China a few industries in the world, and hopefully from the country into a major industrial power industry. At present, China's annual output of LED lighting has reached 810 million, manufacturing and export volume ranking first in the world; the world's largest packaging factory in Guangdong, the largest LED chip factory in Taiwan; domestic chip import substitution ratio increased year by year, in 2013 amounted to 75%.


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