2015 LED bulb will use non-isolated power supply

  LED lighting industry are clear, LED drive power is the power supply voltage is converted to a specific current to drive the LED light power converters, it may seem insignificant in the whole lighting design, and yet extremely critical. Meet the needs of the market, reduce costs, improve efficiency and reliability have become the most for every business goals. In this regard, as a new generation of LED light source, the light of its plasticity inherently provides for a number of LED manufacturers differentiated development ideas, and now according to market development, LED bulb power has been a matter of course to enter the market in 2015 Bulb power will replace all isolated from non-isolated.

2015 LED bulb will use non-isolated power supply

  3WLED bulb is one of the biggest consumer demand in the market, the current mainstream solution is 3x1W, each lamp bead 3.3V / 300mA, through three lamp beads in series to form a load, the output load for 10V / 300mA. Because after the mains voltage is rectified and the output load voltage difference between the larger, so the most appropriate way is to drive through the flyback isolated buck. However isolation circuit structure is complex, more devices, high cost, low efficiency, reliability is low, is not suitable for mass production. In contrast, non-isolated circuit line is simple and isolation circuit, the use of small devices, small size, low cost and high efficiency. As the market for cost and efficiency requirements, low power non-isolated LED driver circuit in the field began on stage.


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