Red LED to increase plant matter

  Scientists in hydroponic tomato test object, red and blue LED lights in three proportions, respectively, according to three kinds of light intensity for a period of 120 days of testing while several other ways to compare the fill light, including high pressure sodium hundred percent, one hundred percent red light LED lamps, high pressure sodium lamp with red LED lights in half, and without any He Buguang like.


  The results showed that the five largest fruit production illumination mode, in order, is the proportion of red and blue LED 5: 1 high light intensity, 5: light intensity 1, 5: 1 low light intensity, 19: 1 high light intensity, and one hundred percent LED lighting. The use of LED lighting auxiliary plant growth, the effect is more ideal than high pressure sodium lamp, also said the lighting method of improving the greenhouse appear.

  On the other hand, the experimental results also show that high light intensity enhance plant growth substances and fruit production. 19: 1 ratio of plant material to produce up to 5: 1 can increase fruit production. McGill University researchers pointed out that increasing the number of red LED lights can hyperplasia plant material, fruit production is reduced slightly. Therefore, LED grow lights in strengthening the greenhouse artificial lighting systems, by the relevant researchers believe is extremely helpful approach.


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