US scientists develop new LED technology

According to the NDTV website reported that scientists have developed a new highly efficient, low-cost LED, help drive further adoption of LED technology.

US scientists develop new LED technology

Assistant professor of industrial and manufacturing engineering Florida State University Yuzhi Bing (phonetic) explained, "newly developed LED lighting technology could completely change. Generally speaking, the cost of LED lighting is a big problem, not enough to offset high energy saving LED's the cost of new technology may change this situation. "

Yuzhi Bing and include postdoctoral researcher Lijun Jiang (phonetic) and doctoral Sri ? Jianei De ? Bud (Sri Ganesh Bade) and single-Xin (phonetic) team, including the joint development of this technology. NDTV said Mr Yu in the development of new LED technology using a combination of organic and inorganic materials. Such materials can emit blue, green or red light, it can be used to produce light bulbs.

But it really special is its manufacture than existing products on the market to be more simple. In order to produce the desired product or achieve the desired effect, the majority of LED materials require engineers to 4 or 5 layer material "stacked." Material Yu Zhiyuan invention only one can be. He said, "In the next manufacturing process, the multilayer material handling is a major challenge."

NDTV noted that the study is crucial for the development of LED technology. LED technology is fast becoming a way of reducing energy consumption. LED lighting already on the market, but because of the cost and quality of materials related rate of adoption has been very slow.


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