The world's first remote sensing atlas of urban nighttime lights released

At the opening ceremony of the Third International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development held on September 6, the International Research Center for Sustainable Development Big Data released the world's first urban nighttime light remote sensing atlas "SDGSAT-1 Satellite Low-Light Image Atlas", providing data support for urban sustainable development research.

The world's first remote sensing atlas of urban nighttime lights released

"This atlas is an important achievement in the field of surface environmental element detection under low-light conditions. The atlas contains 10-meter resolution nighttime light data for 147 cities in 105 countries around the world. These data can fully reflect the urban settlement pattern, and economic development status to provide data support for research and decision-making on urban sustainable development issues." said Academician Guo Huadong, director of the International Research Center for Sustainable Development Big Data.

This achievement was achieved by making full use of the detection advantages of the SDGSAT-1 satellite (Sustainable Development Science Satellite 1). The SDGSAT-1 satellite was launched in November 2021. It is the first satellite of the International Research Center for Big Data for Sustainable Development. It is also the world's first scientific satellite dedicated to serving the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It can accurately monitor human activities and nature evironmental interactions.

"The large amount of data obtained by space Earth observation is of great significance for the monitoring, evaluation and scientific research of the Sustainable Development Goals, and thus assists the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." Guo Huadong said that in the future, sustainable development big data international the research center will continue to strengthen data infrastructure capacity building, conduct research on sustainable development satellite constellations, and continue to develop and share sustainable development goal monitoring data and information products.


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