The "Three Kingdoms Lantern Festival" in Lushan County, Ya'an, Sichuan is officially lit

On the evening of April 20th, the "Three Kingdoms Lantern Festival" in Hanjiang Ancient City, Lushan County, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province was officially lit up. The lantern festival with the theme of the Three Kingdoms attracted many citizens to watch.

The "Three Kingdoms Lantern Festival" in Lushan County, Ya'an, Sichuan is officially lit

"Zhuge Liang opened the gate of the city, and played the piano calmly on the tower, scaring away tens of thousands of Sima Yi's army." Empty city planning, straw boat borrowing arrows... Before the lantern group, many parents told their children the story of the Three Kingdoms. Lushan County was the Qingyi Qiang Kingdom in ancient times. Because it was built by Jiang Wei, a general of the Shu Han Dynasty, it was also called "Jiang City", and it was known as the "Hometown of Cultural Relics of the Han Dynasty". The Lantern Festival focuses on the theme of "Three Kingdoms" and presents the historical stories of the Three Kingdoms in the form of lantern art. It has both the expression form of traditional lantern festivals and the interactive experience of modern light and shadow technology.

In addition to the lantern group with the theme of the Three Kingdoms, the intangible cultural heritage item "Lushan Lantern" is also displayed in front of people in a different form. The tens of meters of gratitude corridor expresses the spiritual outlook of the children of Lushan who keep in mind their entrustment and forge ahead with gratitude.


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