Suzhou North Central Tunnel replacement LED lighting energy savings of nearly 30%

Suzhou North Central Tunnel replacement LED lighting energy savings of nearly 30%

It was informed that since December 1, Suzhou City lighting management starts to replace   3,800 sets of lights within the Ring Road tunnel. Because it involved a larger number of lights, it is expected to complete this work before next January 15.

It is understood that the North Ring Road tunnel lighting has been running since the beginning of six years, the original use is the T5 light tube. The failure rate was relatively high, also had a large amount of maintenance, plus part of the lighting installation was in the middle of the top of the lane, once the repairs necessary  occupy one lane.

Given the variety of issues Ring Road tunnel lighting maintenance exist, Suzhou City lighting management office chose the LED light source T5 tube replacement programs to alleviate these problems. LED light source due to the relatively stable operating conditions, the failure rate is low,  it can greatly reduce the amount of maintenance, while maximizing avoided because of  the maintenance caused traffic accidents and safety impact, in terms of energy consumption can also saving about 30% of energy. In this particular construction lights replaced, the lighting at the development had a detailed construction plan, construction work sent six vehicles, workers 50, reported to police departments for the record construction time, avoid traffic peak, 22:00 to start construction, call it around 4:00 a day. Notify construction management office closed the construction side of the lane before constructing.


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