"Sports venues lighting design and testing standards" will be implemented

June 1, 2017, in December last year by the Ministry of Housing and Construction issued the construction industry standard "sports venues lighting design and inspection standards" will be formally implemented. According to reports, by the China Academy of Building Science editor of the construction industry standard "sports venues lighting design and testing standards" was approved on December 15, 2016 issued, numbered JGJ153-2016, since June 1, 2017 implementation The Among them, Article is a mandatory provision and must be strictly enforced. The original "stadium lighting design and testing standards" JGJ153-2007 at the same time abolished.

"Sports venues lighting design and testing standards" will be implemented

The standard is in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on the issuance of the Guidelines for the Development and Revision of the Code for Construction in 2014 (Construction Code [2013] No. 169) by the China Building Science Research Institute in conjunction with the relevant units Standard "stadium lighting design and testing standards" JGJ153-2007 to conduct a comprehensive revision. This standard is divided into nine chapters and three appendices. The main contents include: general rules, terminology and symbols, basic rules, lighting standards, chips and lights, lighting layout and installation requirements, lighting energy saving, lighting distribution and control and lighting detection.

The main contents of the revision of the standard include the following: 1. Adjust the standard value of the lighting standard and the standard value of the lighting according to the type of the hall; 2. Increase the standard value of the winter sports project; 3. Increase the LED application technical parameters and requirements; 4. Added the modified lighting fixture layout, horseway and light pole set requirements; 5. Increased the horseway location setting method and design parameters; 6. Increased lighting energy saving section and lighting power density limit; 7. Added and improved lighting distribution and control requirements; 8. Adjust the lighting measuring point layout method, an increase of the lighting power density detection.


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