Smart LED lighting industry report: market size 39.8 billion

After nearly a hundred years of development, lighting products have developed from the initial incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps to the current LED lamps. In recent years, with the popularization of environmental protection concepts and the advancement of LED technology, LED lighting products are rapidly replacing traditional lighting products, and incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps are gradually entering the phase-out stage. As a new type of high-efficiency energy-saving lighting product, LED lighting products are the key promotion products of energy-saving lighting in all countries in the world. Countries around the world have successively clarified the timetable for eliminating incandescent lamps. Among them, the elimination plans of EU, Australia, Japan, the United States and other countries/regions are relatively early. , The National Development and Reform Commission also issued a road map for the elimination of incandescent lamps in 2011. The scale of the LED lighting industry has steadily expanded, gradually replacing traditional lighting, and occupying a mainstream position in the lighting industry.

Smart LED lighting industry report: market size 39.8 billion

Under the strong guidance of national policies and the rapid iteration of LED lighting products, the substitution effect of LEDs on traditional light sources continues to be released, and the penetration rate of LEDs continues to increase. According to the data of the National Semiconductor Lighting Engineering Research and Development and Industry Alliance, the penetration rate of LED lighting products in my country was only 3.3% in 2012, and the penetration rate of LED lighting products in my country will reach 80% by 2021.

According to the statistics of the National Semiconductor Lighting Engineering Research and Development and Industry Alliance, the scale of China's LED lighting market has grown from 635.8 billion yuan in 2017 to 942.8 billion yuan in 2021. It is estimated that the scale of China's LED lighting market is expected to exceed one trillion yuan in 2022 and reach 1,008.5 billion yuan.

The application field of intelligent lighting is broad, and it is expected to maintain rapid growth in the future

On the basis of LED lighting, intelligent lighting is realized by using a distributed lighting control system composed of part of the Internet of Things technology, wired/wireless communication technology, power carrier communication technology, embedded computer intelligent information processing, and energy-saving control. Intelligent control of lighting equipment. In terms of application fields, intelligent lighting covers household lighting, commercial lighting, industrial lighting, and urban lighting, and has great prospects in green energy saving, network interconnection, and urban management.

As an important part of scene interconnection, intelligent lighting has been continuously expanded in recent years with the continuous extension of the concept of intelligent life, and its demand has continued to grow, and it will further usher in rapid development. According to the statistics of the China Commercial Industry Research Institute, since the rapid development of the intelligent lighting industry in 2017, the market size has increased from 14.7 billion yuan in 2017 to 39.8 billion yuan in 2022, with an average annual compound growth rate of 22.04%, showing a relatively high speed. growth trend. Driven by the intelligentization of pre-installation scenes, the market size of my country's intelligent lighting industry will accelerate and expand, with huge market potential.

In recent years, the scale of the intelligent control market has continued to increase, and the penetration rate has shown an overall upward trend, with a large room for improvement.

According to Jiuqian's statistics, in terms of sales volume, the sales volume of online smart switches will be 1.25 million in 2020, 1.656 million in 2021, and 1.951 million in 2022. The sales volume continues to rise, and the sales volume in 2021 will increase by 32.48% year-on-year. In terms of sales, from 2020 to 2022, sales will be 81 million yuan, 147 million yuan and 162 million yuan respectively. In 2021, sales will increase by 81% year-on-year. In 2022, the sales penetration rate of online smart switches will reach 16%. Sales CAGR of 45%. The scale of the online smart switch market is developing rapidly and has great growth potential.

In the fine decoration market, the matching rate of smart panels for fine decoration has steadily increased. According to the statistics of Aowei Cloud, the scale of smart switches in the domestic fine decoration market will reach 427,000 sets in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 15.5%; the smart switch configuration rate is 14.9%. An increase of 3.5 percentage points compared with 2020, the growth trend is more obvious.


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