Selecting LED lights from nine aspects

  With the herd of the market, as consumers, we should still select LED calmly and scientifically and choose light sources and lamps with best cost performance. Here are a few basic properties of LED lights:

Selecting LED lights from nine aspects

  1. Brightness: LED lighting with different brightness has different price. LED uses for led lights shall comply with Class I standard of Laser Level.

  2. The ability of antistatic: led lights with a stronger ability of antistatic have longer life, thus higher price. Generally, only LED with its antistatic ability greater than 700V can be used for LED lighting.

  3. Wavelength: led lights with a same wavelength have a same color. The price will be higher if a same color is required. Manufacturers with no LED spectral separation device can hardly make products with pure colors.

  4. Current: led lights are one-way conductive lights. If there occurs a reverse current, it will be called leakage. LED with a big current leakage has a shorter lifespan and costs lower than general.

  5. Beam Angle: led lights with different functions have different emitting angles. Special light-emitting angle requires higher price. For instance, LED with all diffusion angles has a higher price than usual.

  6. Lifespan: The key to LED with different qualities is their lifespan, which is determined by the light fades. The lower the light failure is, the longer the lifespan and the higher the cost.

  7. Water: The shiner of a led light is called water. Prices of different waters vary greatly. Waters from Japan and the United States are more expensive than waters made in Taiwan and China.

  8. Size of water: The size of the wafer is indicated in side. The quality of big water is better than small one. The price of water is directly proportional to the size.

  9. Colloid: Colloid of ordinary led light is generally epoxy resin. LED with UV and fire-proof agent is more expensive. High-quality outdoor LED lighting should be equipped with UV and fire. Every product may have a different design which adapts to different purposes.


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