The reasons causing LED light source death

  LED light source dead lights phenomenon is often met, whether packaging companies, the use of corporate or units and individuals will encounter dead lights LED light situations. LED light source lamp is mainly dead following two reasons:

 The reasons causing LED light source death

  First, LED light source is caused by excessive leakage current PN junction failure.

  Are generally caused by electrostatic damage to the LED chip, the LED chip PN junction failure, leakage current increases, LED light source into a resistor, this generally does not affect the operation of other of the LED light source.

  Static is a great harm to the devil, because the world countless electrostatic damage electronic components, resulting in tens of millions of dollars in economic losses. So to prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, the electronics industry is a very important job, LED packaging, application of the enterprise must not be taken lightly. A part of any problem, will cause damage to the LED light source, the LED light source performance deterioration or even failure. We know that the human body (ESD) Static electricity can reach about three volts, enough to damage the LED chip can be a breakdown in LED packaging production lines, grounding resistance of various types of equipment to meet the requirements, it is also very important, and generally require grounding resistance of 4 ohm, some situations require high grounding resistance even to reach ≤2 ohms.

  Second, LED light source connection open solder joints caused by dead lights.

  Internal leads connected to the LED light source is disconnected, causing the LED die to generate no current through the lamp, this will affect the normal work of the other LED light source due to the low operating voltage of the LED light source (red, yellow, orange LED operating voltage 1.8V- 2.4V, blue, green and white LED operating voltage 2.8-3.4V), are generally required to join with series and parallel, to adapt to different operating voltage, the more the greater the impact series LED light source, as long as there is even an LED light source inside line open, it will cause the series circuit of a whole string of LED light does not shine.

  There is Weld, here to give you a way to identify Weld:

  The LED light will not light the LED lead with a lighter is heated to 200-300 ℃, remove the lighter, with 3-volt button cell by positive and negative connections LED, if the LED light source to light up, but with the lead temperature decreases LED lights are not lit by the light changed, which proves the LED light source is Weld. Reason can be lit using the principles of heat expansion and contraction of the metal, LED wire elongation and internal expansion joints turned heated, then turn on the power, LED light source can be normal light, as the temperature drops LED lead received replies to room temperature, disconnect the internal solder joints, LED light does not shine on the point, and really try this approach are efficacious.


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