Purple LED illuminates healthy life

Health issues fermented to promote purple LED to a striking figure. According to many studies, light has a great impact on human sleep patterns and health, and may have a negative impact on sleep and long-term health when exposed to blue light at night. To solve this problem, purple LED with the characteristics of reproducing natural light time and visible spectrum. According to the sunrise and sunset time, it automatically adapts to the environment and adjusts the users’ habits to create a new healthy living environment.

Purple LED illuminates healthy life

Nobel Prize winner Shuji Nakamura said that lighting affects people a lot of health problems. Blue light will inhibit the release of melatonin in the brain, blocking sleep. As long as there is enough blue lights to stimulate the eyes, there is a chance to stop the release of melatonin that cause sleep quality and myopia problems, which were not occur at the early natural light source.

Shuji Nakamura pointed out that now more and more medical experts began to pay attention to the different wavelengths of human health impact, expect that LED which wavelength or color has an impact on health, further control or avoid Blu-ray damage to the human body when controls the LED in different wavelengths.

Taiwan University photoelectric and motor department director Lin Gong as added, in order to effectively eliminate the harm of Blu-ray on the human body, Nakamura replaces the blue LED light through the purple LED light. It makes close to the sun's color temperature when purple LED in the phosphor, which will minimize the damage to human eye. As the blue LED wavelength just hurt the human eye, so there are a lot of light source specifications above set some standards, used to limit the light source in the blue light component residual power value; and purple LED technology is completely able to avoid the human eye injury of the blue light band.

Nakamura talked about that Soraa has begun mass production of purple LED and they are applied in the field of home intelligent lighting, which can automatically adjust the conversion of Blu-ray and purple-ray. For instance, in the morning to use Blu-ray to wake people, when the sunset to thoroughly clear the blue, while retaining the beautiful soft white through Soraa patent Blue Free LED technology.


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