Philips LED luminaires offer Dubai

  Philips and the Government of Dubai and Dubai construction company signed an agreement for supply of buildings in Dubai 262 LED lighting. Director-General of Dubai Municipality with Philips Lighting CEOEricRondolat HussainNasserLootah signed a memorandum within three years of the city's buildings from traditional lighting to an intelligent LED lighting conversion. The transformation plan will reduce the city's annual 62 million tons of carbon emissions, reduce annual lighting energy consumption more than 50%, about 10.5GWh annually.

Philips LED luminaires offer Dubai

  Director-General of Dubai Municipality Lootah said: "Dubai Municipality promised in the next three years through the use of innovative solutions to reduce their energy consumption by 20%, so the use of LED lighting, so you can be more energy efficient, help us protect the environment and for the benefit of future generations we are very pleased to cooperate with Philips, they not only share our vision and provides a solution to meet the growing needs of cities. "


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