Night running needs LED lights sport T-shirt

Now more and more people, who are too busy in working on weekdays, began to choose to run at night. The night run compared with the morning exercise, but also pay attention to safety. At night the surrounding environment is black, especially for people who like to run in the city, there must be some protective measures.

Night running needs LED lights sport T-shirt

Many night-time race owners have chosen to hang a glowing LED lights or choose to light LED shoes, but now there is a Kickstarter LED integrated into the running T-shirt in the new sportswear HNTS.

HNTS can help us to maintain real security in the evening, so that a family can rest assured that the movement at night, and enjoy the city scenery. You know, 72% of pedestrian accidents are occurring in the evening, and the annual mortality rate is constantly rising. Therefore, such as HNTS can play a significant warning effect in the evening sportswear, is absolutely very important.

HNTS is not only fashionable design comfortable touch, and the integration of LED lights and reflective material two elements. You know, ordinary reflective material in the early morning or when the black days of the effect is not obvious, so the LED lights to join is even more important.

HNTS with an external power supply, can provide continuous 12-hour LED light life, and fully waterproof, can be washed directly into the washing machine. In addition, HNTS uses the most soft and comfortable material, even in winter use, will be based on breathable and comfortable.

HNTS provides two different versions of men and women, and were for the winter and summer, respectively, there are long-sleeved and short-sleeved different designs, materials used in the ultra-fine fibers and antibacterial coating, will not wear and fade.

HNTS integrated LED light is 18 inches in length, and long service life, completely waterproof, well team hand wash, machine wash and any other test.

At present, HNTS sports T-shirt has started on the Kickstarter on the public, the public raised the target of $ 85,000, early bird price of $ 75 (about 207 yuan), if all goes well, is expected in April 2017 Goods, like the night run and pay more attention to safety friends can go to see the details.


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