LED lights were again recognized to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 500 million tons

According to foreign media reports, it seems that the popularity of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has played a very positive role in environmental protection. According to a recent survey by IHS Markit, LED lamps used to quantify building and outdoor lighting have reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by about 570 million tons in 2017. This equates to about 1.5% of the global carbon footprint.

LED lights were again recognized to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 500 million tons

In order to be more imaged, IHS made an analogy, in particular, which reduced the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to 162 coal-fired power plants.

It is understood that, in the case of the same light, LED lamps use 40% less electricity than fluorescent lamps and 80% less than incandescent lamps. As pointed out by Jamie Fox, principal analyst of IHS Lighting and LED Light Team, LED's efficiency is the essence of environmental protection.

LEDs, among others, have many advantages over traditional bulbs such as its longer life, which means fewer people will need to produce a smaller number of bulbs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during manufacturing, shipping, and sales, pollution. More importantly, unlike fluorescent lamps, LED lamps do not contain toxic chemical mercury.

Although LED bulbs have been for several years, consumers are discouraging them because of their high prices. But now this situation has begun to ease, for example, Philips 16 group of LED bulbs, its cost even 25 US dollars (equivalent to about 163 RMB) have not arrived, that is, the price of each bulb is about 1.56 US dollars (equivalent to about 10 RMB).


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