LED lighting vertical farm incarnates food savior

In recent years, with the intensification of climate change, more extreme disasters have appeared, which have affected crop yields. In order to stabilize food supply and other issues, vertical farms have also been welcomed by many small farmers in the United States recently. But these indoor agriculture, which is different from traditional farming methods, why are the operating costs so high?

LED lighting vertical farm incarnates food savior

On the 10th, the European Union's climate research organization "Copernicus Climate Change Service" pointed out that 2022 will be the fifth hottest year in meteorological history. Looking back at 2022, there will be heat waves in Europe in summer, and extreme high temperatures in China, the United States and other places, which will make the already tight food supply even worse due to drought and other impacts.

"Axios?" reported that according to the American Farm Bureau Federation, nearly two-thirds of farmers surveyed in 15 states in the United States said that in 2022, the drought will cause a significant decline in crops and income. This has led many small farmers to turn to solutions such as vertical farms/indoor farms.

Unlike traditional farming methods, whether it is a vertical farm or an indoor farm, it does not need to rely on sunlight and soil. Vertical farms are usually established in buildings, container houses or closed spaces, etc., to grow crops in a vertical stacking manner and soilless cultivation techniques (hydroponics, fish and vegetable symbiosis, etc.).

Technically, LED and other artificial lighting equipment will be used to replace sunlight, automatic irrigation and fertilization systems, and a fully automated monitoring system will be used to collect crop temperature, humidity and other data to optimize crop growth.


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