LED lighting needs specification

  With LED gradually introduced into indoor and outdoor lighting market , LED lighting prices have sharply declined, but has also led to numerous problems of varying quality , it was noted that the country have set LED lighting specification , a number of mandatory lighting standards from 2012 onwards on the road, will be expected to accelerate the elimination of inferior vicious competition , thereby bringing LED lighting market reshuffle effects.

LED lighting needs specification

  As the LED lighting applications are increasingly common and diverse , Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan gradually developed a number of standard LED lighting , LED lights , following the footsteps of the leading countries in the world to develop specifications published by the end of 2010 and issued three common standard LED interior lights , including LED T8 straight tube lamp , LED flood light and lamp light steel frame (with plate lights ) , etc. , the industry pointed out that although the relevant standards have been set , but the LED lights after years of promotion, is expected to extend until 2012 the installation , because the government is slowly added import the budgeted operations, estimated to be 2013 to 2014 was expected to be released procurement tenders .

  Although mainland China LED industry development in full swing, but because the environment is too large regional differences in climate , so the industry standard has not yet entered the national standards project , led by the respective provinces to promote the establishment of a regional standard LED lighting , but it was noted that the mainland will adopt LED lighting NDRC technical specifications to indoor LED downlights as priority projects , is expected to be finalized in the technical specifications , in 2012 to promote the five-year plan in China , the central LED interior lighting announced grants expected to expand the implementation of the fiscal program .


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