LED lighting energy analysis report

  August 2014, the US DOE released the latest issue of "energy-saving potential of solid-state lighting in general lighting applications forecast of", the report predicts that by 2030 the United States energy-saving potential and market penetration of LED lighting applications.

LED lighting energy analysis report

  The report notes that in 2013, the United States accounts for about 17% of the lighting electricity consumption of the whole society, the use of LED lighting products will greatly reduce lighting electricity consumption.

  Report estimates, expected in 2020, LED lighting products in the general lighting market penetration of the market (based on lumens - hour) from 3% in 2013, rising to 48% in lighting energy consumption will be reduced by 15%;

  In 2030, LED lighting will dominate all lighting market segments, its overall market penetration rate of 84%, lighting energy consumption will be reduced by 40% at current conversion price is equivalent to savings of $ 26 billion, enough to 24,000,000 American family power.


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