LED lighting Art in Flatiron Plaza

New York Flatiron Plaza has ushered in a stylish LED lighting art. The interactive LED lighting sculpture here brought the art of fashion lighting to the people. Stylish design also makes it a beautiful landscape.

LED lighting Art in Flatiron Plaza

The use of LED lighting is more and more extensive, also into more artistic design and fashion elements. Birmingham and San Francisco have been held solid-state lighting art project, with different LED lighting to achieve a variety of fashion effect.

Lighting designer Tillotson use Crestron 3-Series controlling system to handle the LED lamps work, and designed 16 independent lighting control zone. By adjusting the different color changes, we have a more diverse representation in terms of lighting effects.

It is reported that, in the construction of this sculpture, the designers also took into account the New York City fashion style. Combining the overall design of the sculpture and lighting and building of New York offered a beautiful dynamic background to the public and visitors.


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