LED lamps for lighting in classrooms nationwide Province 1.6 billion yuan

  Do you know the classroom lighting fixtures with what, how much electricity a day to consume it? You know that if you use energy-efficient LED lighting, classroom one day how much power can save it?

 LED lamps for lighting in classrooms nationwide Province 1.6 billion yuan

  According to the group's research shows that if the national total of 3.4 million classrooms to replace all LED lamps, the lighting electricity savings of about 2.4 billion per year degree (equivalent to a large power plant generating capacity a year); reduce standard coal consumption of about 1 million tons; reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 2.3 million tons; electricity savings of about 1.6 billion yuan.

  During the energy saving LED lighting and economic and other relevant data collection: the experimental group plans to select a full semester, from September 2, 2013 to January 24, 2014, as the data collection period, a total of 21 weeks, net normal weekends and holidays after learning day 101 days. Data acquisition frequency is collected once a month, time is around 17:30 pm on the last day of school after a month.

  The experimental group chose to use light to basically the same two classrooms, one classroom to continue to use the existing fluorescent tubes, fluorescent tubes another classroom will be replaced with LED lamps, and to ensure that two classrooms desks roughly the same illumination . Meter were measured using two classrooms within a period of consumption, thus calculated, comparison and analysis.

  After repeated experiments and statistical calculations, the experimental group achieved a scientific experiment and accurate data: classroom use LED lamp A512 A412 than fluorescent tubes classrooms a year can save electricity 744.4 degrees, reduce carbon dioxide emissions 715 kg (according to Chinese lifecycle underlying database CLCD, producing one unit of electricity generated carbon dioxide emissions of about 960 g). By Shenzhen residents electricity charges 0.68 yuan / kWh basis, an LED classrooms each year can save electricity 506.19 yuan, while a classroom will replace fluorescent tubes needed for the LED lamp procurement costs 1080 yuan, which also means that the need for only two years, the use of LED lamps in electricity savings can recover its procurement costs.


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