intelligent LED lighting enter into the general home market

  Intelligent LED lighting refers to the use of computers distributed wireless telemetry, wireless data transmission, spread spectrum power line carrier communication technology, computer information processing and intelligent energy-saving technologies such as the composition of electrical control, remote control, remote communication control system, to achieve the lighting intelligent control equipment. With a light intensity adjustment brightness, lighting soft-start, timing control, scene settings and other functions, and safe, energy-saving, comfortable and efficient.

 intelligent LED lighting enter into the general home market

  LED intelligent lighting products have been successfully used in commercial lighting, home lighting, landscape lighting, road lighting, etc. in the field, such as the supermarket food color can transform lighting ; highway and the tunnel can automatically adjust the street lights, tunnel lights ; major projects intelligent Control Engineering Landscape and so many colors .

  Compared with the traditional lighting, intelligent LED lighting can achieve security, energy efficiency, comfort, efficiency purposes, so it has good prospects for development in the field of home, office areas, commercial areas and public sector facilities. At present, the Chinese market is not mature intelligent lighting, intelligent lighting applications is also focused in the areas of business areas and public facilities, use of the hotel's adoption of intelligent lighting, exhibition venues , municipal engineering, road transport sector more; In addition, office construction and high-end villa project also has smart lighting. With the development of intelligent lighting to increase domestic production technology development and product promotion efforts, the home field of intelligent lighting applications is expected to be universal.

  Insiders pointed out that in the last two years, LED lighting products smart home prices have declined year on year by 15 % -20 %, which is acceptable to the average consumer terminals, LED home lighting intelligent capacity has been further release, market prospects can be expected.


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