Finland introduced a super energy-efficient LED indoor lighting

  Recently, the company launched a Finnish Greenled indoor LED lighting, the energy level of the whole of the European market among the highest. According to the company, this is known as ECO E indoor lighting is the first in Europe to get the highest level of A + + energy-saving products.

Finland introduced a super energy-efficient LED indoor lighting

  Greenled than the use of the latest technology lighting fluorescent tube lamps can save more than 50%. This lamp is for retail stores, shopping centers and industrial and logistics facilities. ECO E lamps can be controlled digitally, which means you can be more efficient use of daylight for lighting. Digital control can adjust the brightness of the individual LED lamps. Further adjustment of the illumination may be, can be adjusted according to the lighting store traffic and mobile customer, the customer will not even aware of such a change.

  CEO Greenled's Mikko Aaltonen said: "With intelligent LED lighting and digital control, we can not exert control energy efficient than fluorescent lamps is about 60 to 80%." This product is different from the fluorescent bulbs contain mercury, and the working life of relative longer.


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