ENELTEC Talking about the home LED lighting

  Enter 2012, LED technology leap improvement from the LED industry chain, the upstream chip has achieved more than 100 lumens per watt, Cree chip is achieved in the laboratory more lumens per watt, 260, from the fundamental solution the LED illumination problems; midstream packaging technology to improve quickly, the light efficiency issues to overcome many technical difficulties; in downstream applications, as technology improved heat dissipation, LED's life is greatly extended.

ENELTEC Talking about the home LED lighting

  In this context, LED lighting products and a true sense of nobility and distinction between civilians. While both styles, the price difference is large, but there is one thing in common, that is, absolute quality assurance.

  LED lighting products, LED aristocratic first in terms of modern lamp, which represents companies for SFT, Ling Li lighting. The company's products include LED products both low-carbon, energy-saving advantages, but also in terms of design features to attract modern lamp styling and bold use of crystal, precious metals and other high-grade materials, make the product beautiful, exudes a gorgeous, elegant, stylish , extravagant light, shocking and put it down.

  And ENELTEC's products, said the strong price in the current market has made great visibility. And online shopping on the Internet has become a hot product.

  LED products and civilians appear aristocratic distinction, LED lighting mature performance, but also provide consumers with a greater choice.


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