Commercial Lighting LED lighting will become the main battlefield

  In the commercial sector , due to the long time lighting and lighting effects lighting atmosphere and has a very special requirements, therefore , the traditional lighting products in many areas has been unable to fully meet the needs of high-end commercial lighting .

 Commercial Lighting LED lighting will become the main battlefield

  Currently, LED commercial lighting products have entered a stable stage of development, from a technical perspective , LED lighting used in commercial fields has obvious advantages, including energy saving, long life, instant start , high color rendering and intelligent control and other aspects . In addition , LED lamps can fully replace incandescent, halogen , energy saving lamps and other traditional lighting, saving up to 40% the proportion of life but also those of the traditional lamp several times or even ten times . Traditional lamp , the light efficiency energy efficient lamps are mostly between 50-60lm / W, while LED light effect can already easily reach 80lm / W even up to 100lm / W, so LED lighting products to replace the traditional lighting has become a full commercial areas the general trend.

  LED lighting products in the field of super energy efficiency directly reflected in a set of data . In 2008 , Honeywell began to participate fully in the implementation of China's reform and Wal-Mart in energy-efficient lighting solutions , as its main supermarket offers including lighting, freezer lighting , fresh lighting, outdoor advertising lighting, the most advanced and comprehensive LED lighting products and solutions solution. According electricity around 100 supermarkets transformation contrast , a large Wal-Mart annual savings of nearly 100 million kWh of electricity. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of LED lighting technology , energy efficiency also have a more substantial increase.

  At present, LED lighting products in the field of commercial lighting penetration is gradually improving , LED light source also offers a variety of scenarios plasticity of lighting space for commercial lighting. Energy saving LED light source , no UV, some businesses cater to the mental light show personalized environment , has become for some special products , some businesses prefer light show , such as jewelry, lighting , costume and lighting . Besides the LED light source in the local lighting, accent lighting and lighting of the advantages of regional , traditional lighting can create other electric light unmatched high quality light environment, can fully meet the needs of specific goods show . As a new generation of energy-saving light source , commercial applications seems to have become one of the "main battlefield " LED lighting.


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