British universities LED lighting upgrade

  UK higher education sector, including universities around have included in the budget to upgrade the lighting specifications, because the introduction of a large number of overseas students at their own expense, the state education budget is no longer tight. LSE is one of many institutions of higher education, said there are a lot of foreign students come from overseas. Not just the London School of Economics, many organizations are carrying out renovations, upgrading the campus version, get rid of the old infrastructure. Intended to improve the energy efficiency of the campus buildings, in line with some form of BREEAM assessment.

 British universities LED lighting upgrade

  It has also become some of the Fund's investment opportunities, to seek financing college campus lighting project cycle has turned green Fund, which since 2008 has provided ? 61 million in grants to institutions of higher education (universities). The fund is used to help colleges and universities to reduce carbon emissions and save money. The British Government has pledged to provide an additional fourth round of financing 3.4 billion pounds. In the third round, in colleges and universities throughout the country, the upgrade LED lighting is the most popular items, including London Metropolitan University and the University of the West of England each. The first and second rounds of financing also saw some LED upgrades across campus. Higher Education Funding Council for England allocated funds for the fourth round of the application deadline Oct. 15.

  Here is the lighting has been upgraded universities: one, Farnham University for the Creative Arts; 2, Nottingham Trent University; 3, Middlesex University; 4, University of Greenwich; 5, Chichester University.


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