Agartala to become India's first LED lighting city

  Tripura capital Agartala, India will become the northeastern region of India's first use of LED lighting in the city. In the eastern region of India, Kolkata City has become the first city with LED lighting, Agartala will be followed by a second illumination replace city. In southern India, Hyderabad City and Vijayawada city also replaced the LED lighting.

 Agartala to become India's first LED lighting city

  Agartala Urban Development Secretary-General Ashutosh Jindal said the Indian Department of Energy under the Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) will be the city's energy-saving lighting systems to replace, EESL this week and Agartala Municipal Corporation (AMC) signed a memorandum of cooperation, then replace the lighting will be the first between the main road from Raj Bhawans to Agartala airport, and ultimately the city will be the first in the city of Calcutta will replace all lighting LED. "This can not only reduce energy costs, but also provide more quality lighting, street will look more modern," Jindal said.


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