2017 LED lighting penetration rate reached 36.7%

In recent years, the state further increase the promotion of energy-efficient lighting projects. National Development and Reform Commission launched the "China phase-out of incandescent lamps to speed up the promotion of energy-saving lamps Action Plan", put forward China's elimination of incandescent lamps, promote the roadmap and special plans of the energy-saving lamps to accelerate the transformation of China's incandescent lamp manufacturers, popularization of energy-saving lamps. As technology advances, LED lighting products represented by the widely used. 

2017 LED lighting penetration rate reached 36.7%

In the context of global energy shortage, LED intelligent lighting is the trend. According to forward looking Industry Institute released "LED Lighting Industry Market Outlook and Investment Analysis Report" data shows that in 2016, the global LED lighting market has reached 34.6 billion US dollars, with the increase 15.80%, the market growth rate is high, is expected to continue to maintain strong growth trend.

At present, LED lighting will gradually become the mainstream products in the field of lighting, led the revolution in lighting history following incandescent, fluorescent lighting after another. In recent years, the global LED lighting products prices dropped rapidly, has gradually replaced incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and other lighting sources, penetration continued to rapidly improve, the global LED penetration rate is expected to reach 36.7% in 2017, up 5.40% over 2016.

Under the situation of vigorously promoting energy conservation and emission reduction in the world and proactively coping with climate change, China has proposed the binding target of reducing energy consumption per unit of GDP by 20% and reducing major pollutant emissions by 10% during the "Eleventh Five-year Plan". As foreign countries have introduced a roadmap to phase out incandescent lamps, China has also gradually accelerated the elimination of inefficient lighting products.

According to the report data, the output value of LED lighting applications in China was estimated at 116.6 billion RMB, 156.6 billion RMB and 204 billion RMB respectively in 2014-2016, representing a 42% increase in the domestic market for LED lighting products, an increase of 10% over 2015. LED replacement of the traditional lighting market has greatly stimulated the demand for semiconductor lighting market is expected by 2020, China's LED lighting market is expected to exceed 461.4 billion RMB.


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