Whether led street lamps are energy-efficient or not in this stage energy(the following)?

LED lighting is a “directive doctrine”. The reason is that the led street lamps have highly been light directive. The light emitted to the front which is fully utilized. For me, we have no objection to this doctrine, and do not agree with this point of view. I hope we still look at this issue from a pragmatic attitude. Perimeter and behind the light in the design of the product which needs to be reflected to the front of the reasonable use. To achieve the desired condensing effect of the traditional lamps, it has been such application. LED lights can not afford the higher junction temperature, and requires sufficient cross-sectional area of heat conduction, or else completely segment connected to the light-emitting LED package 360 degrees out.

led street lamps

The led street lamps directional actual encapsulated stand optical structure.  “directive doctrine” at this stage explain the doctrine of LED energy-saving straw. From the historical perspective of the development of long precedent.

The mainland has several packaging companies are good in the scale of production capacity and technology. If they can cooperate with each other, or system vendor support, there will be greater opportunities for development. From global view, the importance of the packaging stage is as important as the chip. There is still much room for improvement of high-power packaging technology, and improve more quickly. Therefore, the state should increase support for efforts to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in this process stage as soon as possible, and enhance the market share of China’s mainland enterprises. So, it is expected that the competitive packaging factory will show up within a year or two.

In addition, There are just few small and medium-sized Taiwan’s electronics companies, such as Foxconn, 20 years ago, the turnover of their company is just 200 million CNY. That’s why they have to focus one the main chain industry. We have to invest so much resources to this industry at the the beginning of the development. There are just a few company can make it. The scale of Taiwan’s LED is just NTD 100 billion.It’s impossible for an enterprise to make put so much resource in this industry. Epistar choose the development model of the level of mergers and acquisitions at an early date.It’s difficult for Epistar to make the industrial chain integration finished. From pragmatic point of view, the stage of led street lamps are just in the horizontal level.

For the design products, it is the most basic products according with national standards, but we need time to prove.