What kind of LED lighting products does African market need?

What kind of products does African led lights market need? This is the primary problem faced by the lighting companies who wish to enter the African market. The African market is the low-end applications in the lighting market, but low-end does not equal low-cost. Lighting products companies in China exist deviation in the product positioning. Mainly in the blind pursuit of high brightness, power is not conducive to lower costs. China’s product itself has a cost advantage. Wang Guohua pointed out that the African led down light market is not very high requirements in terms of product performance, lower cost, with basic lighting functions, reliability and durability to ensure that the product of three years without replacement, simple operation to meet the market demand.”

What kind of LED lighting products does African market need?

At present, 1.7 billion people in worldwide living in the dark. In Africa alone, there are 500 million people who live without electricity. For an inspection who tour the lighting conditions of the African market. This is absolutely not just a bunch of numbers, their personal life feel the desire for bright people in Africa. “About 90 percent of the rural population in Africa has no electricity supply. The small streets of many cities basically have no street lights, one evening, the small vendors in the market will lose the hustle and bustle during the day.” Basic lighting and municipal lighting market is the most potential market in Africa and it is in urgent need of development.  However, the off-grid solar lighting products are the most suitable one. the indoor small portable lights, a 5-watt solar LED bulbs, emergency lights, etc can meet the basic lighting needs, and which are the promoting product in the near future. It it noteworthy that the differences of the existing street lights of the African market and China’s domestic development, many parts of Africa market and China’s domestic development. Many parts of Africa is directly tried to telephone poles, and in order to prevent damage to the shell on some street lights and also wrapped around a circle barbed wire.  Looking from the installation form, the optical configuration can not achieve the lighting effect, which requires enterprise to think about how to integrate our existing technology, and combine with local LED lighting products and installation conditions.”