To make led street light projects take off,reliable drive power is the key

To make led street light projects take off,reliable drive power is the key

With the constantly increasing of the LED luminous efficiency and the cost reductions, LED lighting is increasingly becoming the perfect substitutes for filament lamp and fluorescent lamp. But due to the complicated LED lighting system, across optical, electrical and thermal fields will easily arouse the problems of dismatching the power lifespan and lacking of reliability while applying in large-scale productions. In short, the real bottleneck for LED lighting(Especially led street light projects, led high bay) is driving power. As LED driver needs to work together with LED chip and module coordination system, and also needs to consider the electro-optical structure of LED module, So the drive power demand for LED lighting applications is different. Overall, however, the requirements of drive power towards LED lighting is nothing more than high efficiency, high reliability and campatibility for reversed light and non-dimming applications. Among them, the so-called high reliability should include the long life of mathing LED illuminant, width of the power grid application, self-protection and wide temperature tolerace(-40 degrees to 65 degrees, even -55 degrees to 85 degrees) on working.

In particular, LED street lights are mainly used for outdoor environments, which need to withstand the harsh environment of wind and rain, thunder and lighting; In southern China, the outside temperature may be as high as 40 ℃ ~ 50℃; In the cold north, the outside temperature may be as low as -20 ℃ ~ -30 ℃. Therefore, the design and manufacturing technology for led street light projects should be more attention to quality problems. The failure of most street light lamp can be attributed to a power failure, So led street light projects are facing special design challenges.