Three methods for led high hat bulbs installation


Three methods for led high hat bulbs installation


Spring decoration of Systems Engineering, a particular aspect of an inattentive is likely to lead to late irreversible regret. However, early in the decoration to take greater account, the chance that your home renovation regret will be much smaller. Decoration owners do this, combined with led high hat bulbs, we listed the three on the circuit and the lamp regret, and invited experts to explain a number of remedial and preventive approach in order to learn from you some.


Spring decoration: a method of prevention circuit and lighting installation, three Unfortunately, the kitchen is long and narrow shape of the original led high hat bulbs installed in the middle of the console in the most inside, not convenient when backlit in the evening vegetable.


The remedy: to install a cabinet lights in the wall cabinet below. Otherwise only consider taking the open wire line, laid down from the ceiling and cabinet with high power led high bay.


Prevention: to take full account of the light source the adequacy of the preliminary design.

Second, install the led high hat bulbs did not consider the placement of the table, resulting in the middle of the lamp is not in the table.


The remedy: by changing the shape of the table or a lamp, such as the use of a long strip of led high hat bulbs or round table, change the center point of the light source can be considered.


Prevention: The floor plan is completed, the designer needs to be found by measuring the center of the dining table, to avoid such a situation.