The Retail LED lighting energy savings promotion road

Recently, the Commerce Department responsible person claimed that “the 12th Five-Year” period strive to build a large number of led lighting energy savings shopping malls, supermarkets and green hotels in the country. After the information spread out, the retail business of energy-efficiency road causing the concern again.

For labor,LED Street Light supermarket, power is the only way out of their savings. The reporter visited the site and found that energy saving has not only become the mantra of the retail business, but also to promote. Retail stores of LED lights in Dongguan city are not widespread.

Retail LED energy-saving promotion road

Retail LED energy-saving promotion road is difficult to this point, Kwong Chi-hung, fully understood.

Due to the broad prospects of the LED industry, three years ago, Nokia, Apple, Amazonand other companies OEM housing, Kwong Chi-hung, set up in DongguanJinyang energy technology company, specializing in the production of led lighting energy savings.

On the starting of set up, Kwong Chi-hung clearly recognize that small businesses can not get government projects, only the target in the commercial areas, the first is the retail business, the underground parking lot of the real estate business in these areas.

“Three blocks, stores, rents, wages, and lighting costs, lighting costs can be compressed. “Said Kwong Chi-hung.  The mall venue rental and labor costs have gone up every year and can not be lower down, but a cost of lighting by changing lighting facilities to compress the cost. Because the mall should be lights on, the overall cost of lighting is high, so this is where the stores must be cost-saving.

It is because of seeing that, Kwong Chi-hung start retail businesses to promote energy conservation.

The first companies to talk about cooperation Qing Town, local businesses, department stores Qing Town, Kwong Chi-hung, said that compared to traditional lights, LED lights put high cost in the fist time, therefore, in order to get each other’s trust, Kwong Chi-hung adopt free trial within half years to promote their minds, and then six months after, the stores all use LED projects energy saving lamps.

The effect of public praise get obvious, Fu Sheng boss Kwong Chi-hung, introduced the department stores in Shenzhen, Dongguan SPAR franchise owner. Kwong Chi-hung, soon reached an agreement of led lighting energy savings with these large-scale project.