The key to contraint O LED and led lighting bulbs are cost

According to market research firm SBI (Specialists In Business Information), It is  estimated that the market size of global LED lights and OLED today has more than 5 billion U.S. dollars, while the United States occupies a market value of $ 1,000,000,000. The SBI further Estimated that the market size of Global led and the OLED in 2013 will reach $ 14 billion, while the United States is up to $ 3 billion market size.

Why led and OLED technology can become one of the best industry in the future in potential growth? Because the efforts made on the current global green energy is more even than ever. This is influenced by the oil and other rising prices and the global climate change in the first half of 2008.

led lighting bulbs

Compared to the traditional incandescent. Led is of much efficiency on the energy conversion. Generally speaking, the LED conversion efficiency is 80%, but the incandescent is 20%. For example, the energy use can be reduced to 92% if using led traffic signals instead of using incandescent traffic signals.

From a long point of view, many places around the world will no longer need to build too many power plants if more and more LED and OLED application markets are established, even if more and more people are in higher demand for electricity. This is because LED and OLED can reduce everyone’s electricity consumption. So once the higher the penetration rate of led lighting bulbs, the existing power plants is enough to meet demand.

However, SBI also reminds that the cost reduction still need some time even if there are many advantages of LED and OLED.

Therefore, one of the keys is to hinder the popularization of LED and OLED cost. Once the rapid price declines, and perhaps LED and OLED market scale will be larger and more popular.

Taiwan is now also actively working to develop led lighting bulbs market. Ministry of Economic Affairs Energy has enlisted NT 2-300000000 yuan budget. After the LED street light is set, it will expand the replacement of LED street lights. LED inside estimated that the overall LED market in Taiwan will have 400-500 billion opportunities.