The development trends in 2010 high power led lamp

With the entry of foreign capital in the lighting industry, it appears the international situation of the domestic competition. They are trying their efforts to increase the energy-efficient light sources and different grades, patterns, the development of the different uses of lighting and to accelerate the green, to promote the development and application of energy-saving light source products. Meanwhile, building own brand is the sustainable development of the lighting industry. China’s high power led lamp industry is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges, and the resulting huge commercial interests also become the focus of attention of the lighting manufacturers.

high power led lamp

Review and Outlook crossover between the development trend of China’s Lighting in 2010 has been presented:

After striving to foster domestic consumer market in year 2009, the Chinese government’s policy on the real estate market began to return to the rational. This will be a major initiative for the development of potential savings in the lighting industry, squeeze the bubble, which will have a profound impact on the industry;

Second, with the introduction of the national energy saving policy, the implementation of energy conservation and environmental protection will be the slogan of the Government to the reality of the market performance of China’s energy-saving light source industry which is an unprecedented opportunity and challenges to the Chinese lighting industrial

After nearly three decades of development, the Chinese high power led lamp industry has begun by the power of product competition to channel competition, competition to capital force and service force by industry brand competition era;

Fourth, the Chinese lighting industry will show a competitive differentiation, and the regional brand will enter the local government’s agenda;

Fifth, with the national energy policy having been introduced, high power led lights lamp will turn into the era of large-scale outbreak of the market.

Upstream manufacturing companies will be fighting for each other, entering into complementary advantages, differentiation, integration era capitalization;

Downstream market will appear the era of Union, strong capitalization integrated chain, branding, information technology, business management standardization.