The bathroom LED lighting: when can the subsidies be in place


The bathroom LED lighting: when can the subsidies be in place


For we are most concerned about government subsidies, the number of LED high bay lights, the companies want to participate in the bidding to get government subsidies, still needs a lot of patience.


The end of 2010, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Transport Organization to carry out the application of semiconductor lighting products demonstration project, the organization of the shortlisted companies bidding to determine the 28 shortlisted companies and products of the three categories of products through a unified tender and specifications, the agreement the supply price; and selected a number of semiconductor lighting products application demonstration projects, including 20 semiconductor bathroom LED lighting applications projects, 15 semiconductor street light project and 15 semiconductor tunnel light application projects.


The majority of people in the industry, told reporters that the three ministries of semiconductor lighting products for application demonstration project in 2010 due to implementation is not mature enough to lead to some indoor lighting applications, projects, and most of the bathroom LED lighting application projects not scheduled to carry out.


The person in charge of a domestic enterprise, told reporters, they are one of the 28 successful enterprises in 2010, but he says with frustration, they introduced last year completed a number of projects has yet to get the subsidy payments. Subsidy program is very complicated, and still running the program. ”


“This is an open tender, government subsidies certainly not in arrears, but want to get the subsidy, need a little patience.” Skin Chunjiao said, reached into the East also participated in the tender, but she did not fear to take less than subsidy payments.


In this regard, the industry expressed the hope that the government this can improve the implementation of programs and processes, effective affordable subsidies to enterprises.