The Status quo of the world’s four LED lighting industry region

With the increasing depletion of global energy, surface temperature rise, the human awareness of energy saving and environmental protection is gradually strengthened, and the concept of energy saving and environmental protection LED industry blossom in the world shine, and thus the LED industry seems to have become the savior of the world LED lighting industry in Europe and the earth in the confusion of the financial crisis, various government seems to find the industrial revitalization, a good way of raising the employment rate, the land of China is the whole country celebrated, thinking that finally found Overtaking the West, creating the world a good opportunity for first-class technology, any technology sector, the lighting industry of LED lighting industry are all busy called for government funding support, to subsidize the LED industry, wished he could overnight LED lighting to replace any corner of the world, immediately reduce global temperatures twice, especially in the various industries in China wished he could all squeeze into the LED lighting industry, points to the so-called 500 billion and even trillions of dollars on the “big cake”.

But is this really so? Our LED lighting technology and LED lighting industry has reached overnight will be able to replace all the light level? Let’s take a closer look at the world level and national level in the end of this industry is what happens?


(1) LED lighting industry :European

Market: the more mature European environmental protection and energy saving awareness, a higher acceptance of environmentally friendly products, coupled with the relevant laws of the European Union first proposed the elimination of incandescent has begun to implement, governments in the applications of energy-saving lamps and LED lamps have been offering a subsidy scheme (subsidies amounted to 30% to 55% of the price), so in the global arena, the European markets in LED lighting popularization of LED lighting industry and promotion rate is higher in some of the major European countries, supermarkets have begun to following the sale of large quantities of 10W LED bulbs and spotlights products, European lighting giant Philips and Osram has a large scale on the Frankfurt Lighting Fair 2010 debut of its application products, and began building and promotion of market channels.

Technology: the EU countries in the development of uniform standards is often different countries interests, and the starting point, resulting in a lot of system and standardize the introduction of a sluggish, currently Europe’s related to market access, standards and technology threshold is relatively loose, the CE in for solid-state light (SSL) aspects of of the draft technical amendments to the still largely with reference to the traditional light source technical requirements, did not have major changes.

Enterprise: as a traditional European lighting giant Philips and LED lighting industry  Osram Long in the year 2000, invested heavily and began the study of the basic technology of LED lighting, Osram white LED with a fluorescent material has been the leading edge, but Osram in recent years has been on the market big seller in Indonesia encapsulated white lamp beads, very few types of promotion of the general field of lighting products of LED lighting industry, and are mainly concentrated in the promotion of indoor bulb lamps, led streetlight and modules lights; fly Pu is to bring the powerful advantage of its capital, the first acquisition of the United States lumileds and other technical advantages of the program, companies in the field of LED applications, the core technology and patent mining and looking for quality OEM companies in the mainland China market to help him do OEM production, and the extremely stringent standards, as well as large orders as bait to maximize compression OEM profits of an enterprise.

Alternative Analysis: Philips and OSRAM in the field of LED lighting promotion will focus on European and American markets in 2012, two mainland China foundry business in 2012 after the wolf will seek to enter the Asian market, the use of The experience accumulated in the field of applied technology for them to earn huge profits.


(2) LED lighting industry :Japan, Korea and Taiwan

Technology: so far still hold the highest brightness LED production technology, and packaging of high-grade phosphor technology, but due to the blockade of the Japanese technology, the Chinese people will always be to get people Ersan Liu technologies and products, and the application of these technologies produced by the product moment should be facing the risk of someone else’s patent infringement claims. The Korean government held the power in the country to support Samsung, LG and other companies frequently buy-out the world’s backlight LED chip, and man-made stock price trend of the LED chip.

Market: ultra-high brightness LED Blu-ray technology by the Japanese in the 1980s, engaged in the Japanese society of LED lighting applications have the highest enthusiasm in the world, so the support of the Japanese market for LED applications is very large, with in recent years the government a strong launch of bonus points redemption scheme of LED products, LED products in the Japanese market sales growth has been far ahead of other countries; South Korea and Taiwan due to the more mature semiconductor manufacturing and R & D technology, the current 70% of the world’s high-end LED chip manufacturing is done in this area, and even Japan’s Nichia, Citizen, Osram, American bridgelux, semileds such as almost the majority in Taiwan’s OEM production.

Enterprises: involved in the LED technology can be said to date from the upstream to the package to the application of enterprise is the largest of large enterprises in Korea, Taiwan, Japan alone to Japan’s Nichia, Toyoda Gosei, led by Mitsubishi Chemical enterprise master class chip, phosphor and optical materials, technologies, Japanese Citizen, Sharp, South Korea’s Samsung, LG and other occupied the high-end market for packaged products, Taiwan’s chip, Everlight, Kellett, Lite dozens of companies has become the world’s largest OEM base.

Alternative Analysis: Japan and South Korea Taiwan has a good technical foundation and the government’s most powerful application market driven, LED cake eating, they would like a pack of jackals, closely follow the pace of the United States to cut the sub-industry profits in the high-end one, two The third-rate products and technology thrown into the Chinese market, China wanted to rob? Estimated difficulty tremendous.



(3) LED lighting industry: the Americas

Market: Due to the impact of financial crisis, Americans are beginning to pick up the calculator to care about their expenses, some hesitation in the United States and wait and see reality the price is higher than the traditional lighting of LED lighting products, has always been very generous, so temporarily in the major markets and supermarkets to see less than the LED lighting application products added to our catalog and large-scale promotion, occasional sporadic can see only a low voltage flashlight and night light categories of products.

Technology: Americans in terms of market access is very strict, in addition to Energy Star standards, UL draft standard for solid-state light source is also developing and gradually introduced, and also along with other access standards are also being developed and consultation LED application products, Europe and the United States to do the chip company Fudge fast, and much at once toward the consumer market momentum around the world, but the real start of the North American market due to the high cost of UL certification and cumbersome, solid-state LED lighting market is estimated in 2012 or later.

Enterprises: a group of LED chip manufacturers led by the United States CREE, Lumileds, bridgELux, and firmly grasp the core technology of the LED chips in the world flicker LED technology can replace traditional lighting, the factory of the world – China, ” start the application product development and production, the U.S. market your products to the middle and lower reaches of the large number of enterprises purchasing their products, while they are pulling in more than 70% profit margins, on the other hand the lead in organizing a variety of associations or Union to work out their own reach the technical standards for products, production to mainland China as the testing ground for their immature technology.

Alternative Analysis: Americans in the field of LED technology is second-rate, but the American means of business promotion is absolutely world class, from CREE company Shuji Nakamura from Japan to dig the United States will be able to see that Americans like a hungry tiger , after the LED industry, he will spare no effort to use their hegemony and market leadership firmly under control of high-end part of the industrial chain, used to grab most of the so-called $ 500 billion market cake.



(4) LED lighting industry : the Chinese industry chain

With the Chinese government policy to further mislead the grandiose atmosphere of mainland investment, coupled with the large state-owned enterprises, listed companies, venture capital and money boss waves, and the LED enterprises have shown surging, wave upon wave of strong momentum, you line people slightly pay attention to notice the so-called establishment photoelectric industrial park in the country and the world “at least as much as 50 in the last two years, what is more, even some three-four cities and counties have vowed to build the world’s largest photovoltaic industrial park.

With the increasing pressure of the energy saving, the Chinese government has started in the year 2007 on the LED industry support policies and measures. Already have the scale or will soon have the scale of the upstream low-end chip manufacturers have more than thirty, and most of the low-end package products as the main business concentrated in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta region, and its production capacity has been accounted for 60% of the world’s total, while the downstream end applications, a much larger, it is estimated that only the Shenzhen region, large and small LED packaging and application of enterprise up to 3000.

We can’t predict five years later, these so-called “largest” corporate fate, the concern is that the herd phenomenon results will be littered with felled. Fierce price competition, in the end not only to form a huge waste of manpower, materials, resources, land agents just quickly disappeared ending, the final blaze of winners from a pool of blood will easily be the international lighting giant or international capital to grab the LED industry, the end is still uncertain whether others awake.

Take the Zhongshan Guzhen Example: experienced the baptism of the international financial crisis led to the collapse of the wave of the town LED lighting industry in 2008, but because of the low-end consumer market, the domestic firm, the current Zhongshan Guzhen still catch on, the marketing momentum of a century ago. Robust in much of the LED lighting industry, the ancient town seems to have ushered in the great development of the “Spring”, the ambition of local government and National Semiconductor agencies organize various seminars and alliances, with the east wind of semiconductor lighting and LED lighting industry to create a global of the LED lighting market, LED lighting industry  and business gathering group.

As everyone knows, in the popular phrase of the ancient town of enterprise is “not the best (quality), only the lowest (price)” due to strict uniform standards of the countries delay the introduction of relevant products and market access and supervision system, LED looks like a sunrise industry has not yet started, it has been the industry engage in the kind of pandemonium, shoddy products, the performance is very unstable, resulting in a very bad impression in the minds of consumers, that those who really want to do the products adhere to technology, the quality of companies struggling to survive.

Alternative Analysis: China’s LED business is like a group of sheep fought over food in the barren grass always think the grass is large enough, how dry can eat, but this disorderly competition last how long? The result is abortive or hard to grow after the tragic mutual fight is international lighting giant on behalf of OEM or acquired gradually swallowed.

We call industry hero Eneltec Group, longing for a “miracle”, but these dreams must be built on steadily and surely to improve product quality and attention to personnel training, no matter where, no brand awareness of enterprises are both long-term.