LED lighting industry kept the two major misunderstanding

With the Copenhagen Climate Conference at the end of 2009, the world sounded the clarion call of the energy saving and emission reduction. LED lighting as a new type of energy-saving, environmentally alternative technologies quickly became the focus of the government, the capital, and the business community. According to statistics, Up to the end of 2009, Chin-ahas developed the world’s most important production base of LED lighting. Under the impressive achievements, LED lighting industry has its inadequacies and its misunderstanding. The author analyzed as follows.

LED lighting industry is lack of upstream core technology

As  LED lighting is of  energy-saving and environmental advantages, in recent years, statistics show that LED lighting global output annual growth keep 20% or more.China has launched a green lighting engineering, semiconductor lighting project, “Ten thousand ten cities” plan in order to push forward the development of the industry. In 2008, the total output value ofChina’s semiconductor lighting is nearly 700 billion.

However, according to the introduction of the Chairman Wu Zhen Yue, Shenzhen Han Tian Technology company, there goes that despite the current Chinese LED lights industry investment and production can increase to accelerate, The LED lighting production enterprises is over 3000, but 70% of which is in the concentration of downstream integration application link which is lack of upstream core technologies. Also due to the enterprise which is generally in small scale and lace of standards, the product quality is uneven.

He believes that many cities carry out the LED lighting demonstration and alternative project now, but the LED road lighting is also limited to the slip road to the district, the pedestrian street, a limited range of applications, especially LED lighting products of varying quality.

The high cost of LED lighting is a one-sided point of view

At present, there exists a misunderstanding on the Social LED lighting industry. That is considered “LED lighting is a new technology, and it is certainly of high cost” which make LED lighting urgent breaking popularity in the domestic market.

Traditional lighting methods require the laying of the cable, which is the cost of a lot of money. At the same time, the life of the traditional sodium lights is short, generally lamps need to be replaced in a year or so, and late repair and maintenance costs are high. If these costs are considered, The cost between the LED lighting and the traditional sodium lamp is not too much.

“Four in One” walk the road of LED lighting industry

As LED lighting industry is of huge potential economy and social benefits of LED lighting industry, all the countries around the world attach great importance to the R & D and production of LED. Advanced countries promote the rapid development of the semiconductor lighting industry from the technology, industrial policy, industry standardization promotion, and the cultivation of “four in one” consumer environmental philosophy. This has a certain reference for the development of LED industry in China.

LED lighting industry

Ensure the technology first.
LED lighting industry as an emerging industry has many major technology research. However, technology research  with vast investment, long cycle, huge risk can not just let companies invest alone, the government participation is also very important. Only this way can promote the technology development.

In June, 2006, U.S. Department of Energy’s decide to support the five major LED lighting project : Listed as below: general lighting with integrated LED floodlights, solid-state lighting products, higher light rate of phosphor-based white LED phosphor systems, organic semiconductor lighting device structure, the durable and efficient the hole emitting diode. The total investment of the five projects is of $ 11 million. The main source of funding is main to government investment, accounting for 70%, the other 30% of the funds is invested by the enterprises which is responsible for developing the project.

When the LED lighting industry is rising, Chinese companies missed an opportunity to overcome the major technical problems. Many of the core technologies are occupied by foreign enterprises and some related enterprises in China seem somewhat passive. China’s LED industry how to break through the technical weakness needs the efforts and explore of the parties.

The LED industry has a huge economic and social benefits, many countries have introduced a related industry support policies, including special fiscal spending, tax incentives to encourage R & D and investment in the LED industry, and the establishment of a sound system of LED lights industry.

In recent years, China has also introduced a lot of industry support policy. Insiders pointed out that the Government should give more consideration on how to make the utility maximization policy support, and to avoid wasting resources.

Dongguan will build a complete LED lighting industry chain in 2015

The author received the news from the Dongguan Municipal CPPCC Economic Commission yesterday that Dongguan LED industry chain is to speed up the layout for intentional introduction into the LED industries of Taiwan-funded enterprises to join. By 2015, Dongguan basically built a relatively complete industrial chain of LED semiconductor lighting, gathering more than 200 enterprises of LED lighting which the annual output value is up to
150 billion.

Dongguan will build a complete LED lighting industry chain in 2015

At present, China has formed the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Fujian Triangle, as well as the northern region LED industry gathering area. Dongguan is the important city of the Pearl River Delta LED lights. Ministry of Science and Technology officially identified the “city of ten thousand,” semiconductor lighting demonstration project as pilot cities. According to statistics, the city engaged in LED lighting industry technology and production enterprises is over 60, and the sales income is more than 20 billion yuan.

CPPCC Economic Committee of Dongguan City, actively and steadily promote the development of LED industry in our city, “” believe that the development of Dongguan LED industry is extremely uneven. The city’s LED industry is over-concentration in the field of industry chain downstream under the constraints of the technology and cost. Besides, LED enterprise is lack of concerted effort because of fragmentation. Therefore, Dongguan has established the major group of promoting LED industrial development and demonstration and try to solve the big problems of LED lighting industry application process.

In addition,Taiwan is the place that LED industry development is earlier which highlight the advantages of the LED industry chain. Dongguan is the largest city gathering most Taiwan-funded enterprises. Dongguan City CPPCC Economic Commission believes that it should reply on the Association of Taiwan enterprises in Taiwan to further promote the cooperation between Dongguan and Taiwan in science and technology. And take the initiative to introduceTaiwan’s key LED enterprises, especially upstream epitaxial chip preparation companies.

In addition, CPPCC Economic Committee of Dongguan recommends that relative enterprises should be organized to build the LED Industry alliance by establishment of the LED industry associations.

The Korea Government planned to develop domestic LED lighting industry

The South Korea Government planned to increase the penetration rate of LED lighting applications to 60% in two stages. This plan was announced in “2060 LED lighting plan” in June of 2011. This is another developing plan for LED lighting industry after “LED lighting 15/30 universal plans”, the initial object of which is 30% penetration rate in 2015. In accordance with the research report of Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), the penetration rate of LED lighting products in Korea is only 2.5%.


The Korea Government planned to develop domestic LED lighting industry


In order to accelerate the popularization of LED lights lamps domestically, the Korea Government not only published the explicit process of popularization of LED lighting industry, but also established the public market to stimulate the demand of LED lamps. They did a lot of work in this area, especially in the promotion of policies and mechanisms. The Korea Government had a great deal of experience in this part: Firstly, they stimulated the demand; Then they focused on the application ability of enterprises; Finally, they laid stress on sustainable development and set up four centers to integrate industrial development, such like agriculture, automobile industry, etc.. In addition, the Korea Government continued to promote the “industrial giant” strategy, providing sufficient fund to competitive enterprises in LED lighting industry through the co-operation with banks. This made large enterprise groups become not only the main body of production and operation, the backbone of foreign trade, but also the core strength of capital introduction, information collection and technology development. The Korea Government mostly would concentrate on drive the market through applications. In the early stage of high-tech industry, the Korea Government usually took the domestic market as the test field. It is an essential point for domestic high-tech products to enter the international market.


In “2060 LED lighting plan”, South Korea put forward the object of “been one of the top three market of LED lighting industry” and become the top one market by 2020. In one hand, the government and competitive enterprises are co-operating to promote LED products domestically. On the other hand, it is actually the medium and small sized companies that constituted the main force of their lighting industry. Under the circumstance of lacking of competitive technologies, these companies planned to pay more attention on the research and development of LED core technologies and applications. Currently, there are more than 890 companies that undertake LED lighting business in Korea.

Determining the local LED lighting industry standards of the first batch in Guangdong

Guangdong Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau in conjunction with the Office of Science and Technology recently organized experts group to conduct a careful assessment of 464 LED panel lighting declare the project.The first batch of LED lighting industry project local standards project 87 in Guangdong Province.Totally have 93 enterprises and institutions take the lead and 486 units participate.The standard development cycle of 6-12 months. Standard items include light Bio-safety, light comfort, rapid detection of the product lifespan and mainstream product performance requirements for safety, quality and detection methods standards.

Determining the local LED lighting industry standards of the first batch in Guangdong

Guangdong Province is the large province manufacturing of LED lighting products.In 2011 LED output value reached 150 billion yuan, accounting for about 70% of the country, 50% of the world. However, because LED lighting is a new industry. the technical stage of rapid development, lack of a unified product quality evaluation criteria and a unified specification for product manufacturing, product application results, product safety so that result in  the large quality difference of LED lighting product .Finally the marketing application is seriously constrained.

In order to breakthrough the Bottleneck of LED lighting industry development of in Guangdong Province,  the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Quality Supervision Organization conducted the LED lighting industry standard system planning and road map developed in Guangdong Province in early 2011.Starting from the strengthening of industry-standard top-level design ,proposed the 130 pre-project  local standards to support the development of LED lighting industry by using comprehensive standardized concept in Guangdong Province.January of this year, the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau combine Provinces of the Office of Science and Technology held a news conference to public “Guangdong LED lighting industry standard system planning and road map” and levy openly the work commitment of LED lighting industry for local pre-project  standards development to society.

Collection activity has been a positive response from the Guangdong Province, universities, research institutions, and  related LED lights enterprises. Since May of this year, a total of 662 enterprises in Guangdong Province has submitted 464 projects bear the declaration, declare the project in addition to standard system planning 130 pre-project project, also apply for 19  new project. With the continuous creation and perfection of local LED lighting industry standards in Guangdong Province, will greatly promote the scientific and healthy development of LED tube lighting industry.

LED lighting has the obvious advantages and promising future

For the low luminous efficiency, LED’s application is mainly in a variety of display areas. With the appearance of high brightness LED (especially white LED), many cities actively begin to use LED light source. Firstly, the government stressed to use the LED lights at the street, so that people can understand and use the LED light source. International authoritative institutions predict that we will enter into a new era of LED lighting industry represented by LED, which is known as the fourth generation light source.

LED lighting has the obvious advantages and promising future


The “green light” is a new concept, which is brought forward in the late 1980s in the field of foreign lighting field. The implementation of China’s “Green Lighting Project” began in 1996. An important step to achieve this plan is to develop and promote the efficient, energy-saving lighting appliances, saving electricity, reducing the environmental and light pollution, the establishment of a qualified and efficient, economic and comfortable, safe and reliable, environmentally friendly lighting systems. However, it is far to reach the requirements of “Green Light”, the development and application of more efficient, reliable, safe, durable, new light is imperative. Currently, lighting consumes takes about 20% of the entire power consumption, soled lighting industry energy savings for the industry is the important way to achieve energy saving. To reach this goal, we’ve researched and developed of many types of energy-efficient lighting apparatus, and achieved some success. Many countries have laws and regulations of the formal constraints to prohibit the production and sale of incandescent, China has also introduced the corresponding laws and regulations to constrain the use of the low light of the high-energy efficient lighting apparatus, and actively promote the use of low-power high luminous efficiency light source.

The United States, Japan and other countries and China Taiwan region predicted for led lighting industry efficiency, and 55% incandescent and 55% of the fluorescent were replaced by LED and saved $ 35 billion per year of electricity, and less 755 million tons carbon dioxide emissions each year. In Japan, 100% incandescent was changed to LED, which equals to two nuclear power plant capacity, with annual savings of more than one billion liters of crude oil consumption. In Taiwan, 25% incandescent and 100% of the fluorescent were changed to white LED, saving 11 billion kWh of electricity annually. Energy conservation is the main reason we consider the use of LED light source, perhaps the LED light source is more expensive than traditional light sources, but recovered with a year of energy-saving light source of investment in factories and business electricity, the use of energy saving of six to eight months to recover the light source investment to obtain the energy-saving net gain of four to nine times each year. Office modernization, the number of computers are increasing in China, with China’s domestic LCD TV, switch to the LED light source as a back-light of the LCD screen, its power is greatly saved. With the improvement of LED production process, SMD LED production process can replace LCD screen light LED products.

Fourth Chapter: Several major development trends in the led lighting industry of network marketing

LED lights won the reputation of the people

LED lighting industry will obviously conform to this trend. As a wide range of some large-scale lighting, some large lamps and special lighting need manufacturers to assist in installation and maintenance. If the consumer online ordering of three or four days of this shopping is certainly unpleasant. Another assume a special floor lamp bulb burned and it is very difficult to find accessories in local. At that time, If manufacturers can not quickly come to be replaced, then the customer will lose confidence to this brand.

Fourth Chapter: Several major development trends in the led lighting industry of network marketing

After-sales service also includes the return policy, online shopping is clearly better than on the personal experience of traditional shopping, so if consumers buy the lamp size or power inappropriate, then will they react mechanism rapidly? All these will determine the brand’s reputation. In the Internet age, customer service must be immediate as reputation of the Gold Cup Silver Cup as good as the people, in other words, the customers can always get answers and feedback, whether it is a hot-line, community forums, online customer service, and even micro-Bo should have a person to timely process and get feedback, and otherwise it is easy to upgrade, and even evolve into a crisis event, this propagation speed of negative information is positive information several times or even ten times.

Network Promotions = spike + interaction, interaction is the key

If the promotions on the Internet and traditional channels have no difference, then the effect will not be much, because consumers are numb to buy gifts, discounts, bundled promotions. These promotional tools are now used in the rapid consumer goods such as drinks, snacks, daily products, and for led lighting industry of small electrical appliance, it needs more interesting promotions. Lighting companies must know how to “spike” and “interaction” of these two means.

“Spike” is a kind of promotion way based on computer network, the core is “limited” and “super low”, such as a dollar net-book computer and a dollar rice cooker and so on. In order to gather popularity, and improve brand in the network attention. Internet marketing expert Liu Dongming said that the lighting business is very promising in this regards, such as designing a cool small table lamp, and planning the activities of a “spike” in the led tubes shop.

Third Chapter: Several major development trends in the led lighting industry of network marketing

Overall home lighting, one-stop lighting service

The whole-home lighting is getting popular and popular, just as the popularity of whole cabinet. The overall home lighting is the lighting service for the consumer, to provide healthy, energy-saving and stylish lighting design and planning to every places of our house, from the living room, dining room, bedroom, study, bathroom and balcony, the corridor as well. Of course, in this regard, many domestic led lighting industry brands are intended to introduce of the home one-stop lighting consumption, integrated service including commercial, home, lighting engineering, Yi Mei Lighting is one of them. Liu Dongming, Internet marketing expert, said, the overall home lighting still remain in the concept of marketing level, the one who combines the products sales and service is rare. Obviously, the concept of overall home lighting is rather vague, mostly embodied in consumer services. For most companies, the profit from after-service is meager profit, and it takes much time, labors, which needs further test.

Third Chapter: Several major development trends in the led lighting industry of network marketing

Clear brand positioning, 360-degree brand communication

The brand is an important factor affecting consumer purchase. In particular, consumers rarely listed to know LED brand, which is lacking of led lighting (led lights) industry brand communication. In the same time, it is also a good time of the formation of brand influence. Internet marketing expert Liu Dongming said when it comes to brand marketing, largely Internet marketing is not able to get rid of positioning the framework of the 4P(product, price, promotion, channels) and 4C (demand, cost, convenience, communication), but these two theories in the network context of requiring companies to be quick and strategic, but also know how to use Internet tools to spread the brand it, the courage to try the network marketing of the lighting business, including positioning, product, promotion, channels and communications.

Furniture, lighting perfect mixed up

We all know that the lighting impact on the home environment can not be ignored, while in channel terminal, the furniture industry have long been produced and lighting “mixed up” idea. Cross-industry integration  more effectively control the terminal information of the channel market. Internet marketing expert Liu Dongming said, the marriage of furniture, lighting, products, resources, strengths, and enhance corporate strength is to ensure that the brand in the industry strong Hengqiang a realistic way.


Second Chapter: Several major development trends in the led lighting industry of network marketing

Low-carbon energy-saving lamps, green led lights marketing

Low-carbon economy has become the development direction of all walks of life. The lighting industry, of course popular energy-saving light source, led lighting industry become the new darling of the lighting industry. Shanghai World Expo. Guangzhou Asian Games major venues in the lighting system, highlights the rapid development of the lighting industry. Europe, America, Japan and South Korea launched by countries of  out of incandescent, energy saving lamps, LED lamps, the popularity of programs are being implemented. China is also developing new light in the street lights and interior lighting. The green lighting is changing people’s concept of lighting. “Two sessions” further clarified the low-carbon, the implementation of the national low-carbon subsidies, home lighting industry has ushered in new opportunies for development. Internet marketing also draw support from the green marking trend, in order to play a greater advantage.

Second Chapter: Several major development trends in the led lighting industry of network marketing

Knowledge of marketing, let me tell you quietly

In a network environment, the nature of the market has undergone profound changes, manufacturers and consumers can chat directly through the network for information exchange, commodities trading. The marketing will become more diversified, personalized and though market segmentation. And the consumer’s behavior also have some changes. Consumers will be more extensively involved in the marketing process. Consumer behavior will become more rational, individualized. Liu Dongming Internet marketing mentioned that the led lighting industry is still relatively scarce industry. The public are lacking of LED knowledge, which is a good opportunity for LED industry marketing. In the name of the company to publish LED literacy, timely and properly respond to customer issues, and receive customer e-mail and customer make the right reply, enhance customer understanding of lighting products are to enhance customer retention and brand awareness in order to motivate an effective means of consumption.

Communication to be good by social media

The communication method between Lighting businesses and consumers are very different. The traditional  marketing model may only need a customer service hot line, site service can be carried out through the service network. But the network marketing companies need to understand three points: First,  how the consumers know your brand and products, second, how to let them to buy your products, third, how to make the consumer for the dissemination of positive information. These need to constantly sum up and continue moving forward.



First Chapter: Several major development trends in the led lighting industry of network marketing

Lighting industry network marketing is lagging behind, and also in the led lights marketing tools. There are some companies or operators continue to try to do online sales. As for the present, the led lighting industry network marketing is still in the initial stage of “staking” there will be more enterprises to participate in future prospects. What are the development trends in Lighting industry network marketing as most of lamps made by glass products are easily damaged and also under transportation. How the lighting companies to stand out in the tide of Internet marketing?

First Chapter: Several major development trends in the led lighting industry of network marketing

Network marketing incoming tide, beach-goers becoming

The survey date show led street lights that in most household, lighting consumption costs currently about 10 percent in renovation costs, and the proportion is rising. This means that the awareness in creating fashion home are constantly upgrading. All kinds of chandeliers-wall lamp, floor lamp, mirror front lamp, table lamp, night light emerging light at home which is not the only function of the lighting. More and more lighting is for the decorative effect of making the finishing point. When turning on the lights, the nightan is an embellishment. When turning off, it is also a piece of art in high-income people. So the high quality of life of people will be more focus on lighting in the home. Internet marketing expert Liu Dongming teacher said that this consumer trends determine the development direction of led lighting industry: First, the lighting industry must establish the brand, and know with the new media for brand communication; Second, lighting products must be more creative, the scale of customization is a necessity. To grasp these two trends, Internet marketing is the only way of each lighting business.

The search engine is the Internet age which is the most important direct contact with consumers. So a variety of product categories such as LED spot top ten brand, led lighting industry, lamps, etc. Keywords prices climbing higher and higher, but the problem is that when consumers know the companies and products, what the potential idea encourage them to purchase. So in this regard, “word of mouth’ has become the determining factor. And the word of mouth is from other consumers.