After Japan, the United States will become the next super market for LED lighting industry

Although Japan’s LED bulbs shipments doubled in 2011, mainly due to the raising consciousness of energy-saving, the promoting speeded up among ordinary buyers. LED lamps have a much longer service life than incandescent bulbs, if used in ordinary families and 50 hours per week, a 40,000-hour LED lamp can maintain a normal work condition up to 10 years without any replacements.


After Japan, the United States will become the next super market for LED lighting industry


From the standpoint of the U.S. lighting market, in 2012, local hydropower firms launched Rebate issues for LED bulbs, LED tubes and other LED lighting applications. Products must have Energy Star certification or DesignLight Consortium certification. Rebates can increase the purchasing desire of consumers, making them more willing to replace their old lighting devices with LED lamps. In fact LED lights provide them better lighting environment and save more power. Since 2012, the number of LED commercial lighting application makers inclined stably, causing the sharp price dropping. Plus the prosperous in the commercial building industry, LED lighting industry developed rapidly in the commercial area. On the other hand, the Lighting Design Alliance set out specifications and requirements for 4-foot tubes. As a result of the prosperity of LED lighting industry in the commercial area, the United States will become the next super market for LED lighting applications after Japan.


In the first half of 2012, the standard case progress of China’s LED lights was less as expected, mainly due to the undecided financial subsidy policies. Besides, the debt crisis exerted a bad influence on the global market, heavily hitting LED producers and exporters. Looking ahead to 2013, the financial subsidy standard case has been drawn by the three ministries. It is expected that from the end of 2012 to 2013, the China’s Government will allocated 1.6 billion yuan on LED lighting industry, which will eventually drive 4 billion yuan scale LED lighting market demand.


As lacking of local infrastructure, only large led tunnel light enterprises, like Philips and small LED manufactures would like to enter this emerging market. Project lighting matched with portable lighting applications. Energy generation and energy storage drove up and became new industries, meeting the humanities and environmental needs. In addition, how to change the situation of lacking of core technologies, get rid of low-level redundant construction is the crux of the problem faced by the LED lighting industry in China.

The next step to carry out the led lighting industry work of the Union’s proposal

National Semiconductor Lighting Project R & D Industry Alliance, the sixth conference of members of the General Assembly is to discuss how to get closer to the theme, to meet business needs, to get closer to the industrial development. In the preparatory work, the Union has an extensive collection of the views of the member companies, and make discussions of the utmost concern from the enterprises, which reaches the goal of serving led lighting industry and LED Panel Light enterprises. Thanks to all the members proposed their suggestions on this assembly.

The next step to carry out the led lighting industry work of the Union's proposal

1, the establishment of an early warning mechanism

Union has a macro character, so it should establish an early warning mechanism, to give insurance tips and warn on the research and development of semiconductor lighting market conditions.

2. To lead the industry development by figures

Organize technical seminars on a regular basis, looking for experts in the led lighting industry for data analysis and interpretation, to explore the technical development trends and master the development of more advanced technology, and provides direction for the enterprise, reduce detours. LED emerging market and do some feasibility studies, provide data analysis for enterprises, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

3, Playing the full role of the State Key Laboratory

Making full play in the State Key Laboratory of semiconductor lighting joint innovation, the first level is in technological innovation. Increase basic researches, common key issues to promote the standardization of interfaces; in the aspect of patent, discuss a mutually beneficial mechanism; in the aspect of organizational structure, it is recommended to increase investment, and the establishment of some branches.

4, Establishment of credibility mechanism to promote business cooperation

The Union shall establish integrity mechanisms. Through this mechanism, enterprises can enter the Union. When there are large projects, enterprises can work together and have a joint construction. The LED Market is miscellaneous. If companies choose to cooperate, rather than competitions, may be able to enhance their competitiveness, to grab more market share, but in many cases, enterprises are longing for cooperation, however, they cannot give a correct assessment to future partners.

5, A standard market with long-term development

Strengthen communication with the government, and it was recommended that the government should increase its efforts to support the led lighting industry, and these supports can give effective to promote to the healthy and orderly development of the market, rather than a problem for the market, such as to standardize the tender subsidy, to control actions of low prices to get bid, which is harm to industry.

Brand war and price war in the LED lighting industry, which one is more important?

Until now, the world still immersed in the sad atmosphere of economy crises and euro crises. Under such circumstance, many industries slowed down their path of development, except for LED lighting industry. Instead of falling into recession, domestic LED lighting industry is now in a state of prosperity. Regardless of scale, product quality, market reputation, LED Panel Light companies large and small swarmed in this market, causing surging waves. At the same time, the price war has once again become the sharpest sword in this battlefield.


Brand war and price war in the LED lighting industry, which one is more important?


However, can the price war really be a sword that enables LED lighting companies dominated the market? Throughout the history of other domestic industries, the price strategy has been widely used by a lot of companies. Usually, the consequence of doing so is not only harms the interests of the market but also harm the interests of companies. The price war is a double-edge sword.


As an emerging market, LED is in the process of replacing traditional lighting technologies. There must be a stage of sharp prices dropping, which is inevitable. But the decline in prices should be established on the basis of mature technologies and scales instead of no-bottom-line prices dropping at the cost of reduction of products’ qualities. Seizing the market by this way will only lead to the end of this company. Companies lacking of core technologies will not survive in the along developing river.


Ultimately, the price war can never rise to the strategic height in any market, which only can be used as a temporary tactic. The core strategy of LED manufactures must return to the concept of building brand values, firmly seizing the bottom line of product quality, stably developing the core technology. Only LED companies that followed such sustainable developing steps can achieve a long-term development in the LED lighting market.


Presently, the consuming concept of the mainstream customer group has changed. Cheap products usually mean low-quality products. And customers started to recognize and accept the premium caused by the brand effect. There are so many domestic enterprises tasted the pain of this. When a company’s products are marked with low-price low-quality label, it is almost impossible for them to re-establish their brand. It is the brand war that LED lighting industry needed desperately rather than the price war.

The low FPY (First Pass Yield) slows down the development of LED lighting industry

With the ban of incandescent lamps with power consumption larger than and equal to 100W issued by the National Development and Reform Commission on October 1st of 2012, the LED lighting industry received strong supports from related government policies. It is clear that the entire lighting industry is transforming from traditional lighting to LED lighting.


The low FPY (First Pass Yield) slows down the development of LED lighting industry


During this period of time (when incandescent lamps have been gradually replaced by new lighting sources), LED lamps are not completely resisted by ordinary consumers. They just felt hesitate to accept. Currently, LED lighting products are still in an immature stage: unclear product identification, lacking of unified standard, products with different quality. Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision spot checked some LED samples from different LED Panel Light manufacturers. The truth is the FPY of these samples is too low.


In this spot checking, among totally 23 samples (more than 100 for each sample) from 21 LED manufactures, 17 samples did not pass the test. The pass rate was less than 30%. The low FPY (First Pass Yield) slows down the development of LED lighting industry.


Experts gave advices about LED lighting products on the market:


1)       Inspect the packaging at first: trademarks and certification marks are necessary, like 3C certification, CE certification, RoHS certification, etc.. Besides, some basic technical parameters also cannot be ignored: the rated voltage, voltage range, color temperature, precautions, safety instructions, application environment.


2)       Price comparison: As a result of the expensive production cost, the average selling price of LED lamps is usually around 45 yuan. (Products from large brands will more expensive, like Phillips, OSRAM, etc.) Besides, the glaze surface is also very important, without any glue mark, without any protruded screws. And the color of screws should be identified with the color of the surface.


3)       Buyers should carefully examine the color change after the lamp has been switched on. If the light changed from yellow to white or from white to blue-white during the short time after lamps being switched on, there must be something wrong the drivers or light sources. Also for small-power MR16 spotlights, using inappropriate transformers may cause flickers. High-frequency electronic transformers are more suitable for this kind of products.

LED lighting industry enjoys high position

LED lighting industry in China is just like a raging fire starting from April 28th this year. There is a program that The Ministry of science and technology in 16 provinces, municipalities directly under the central government, the 21 city start lighting applications project, which makes LED Panel Light on the hot trend.

LED lighting industry enjoys high position

By n Lasheng’s fiery situation, LED drive power market also presents great opportunities. LED drive power is the guarantee for the development of LED industry chain, LED power quality directly restricts the LED product reliability, therefore, LED industry chain gradually improve today, LED driving power of childish is crucial. LED lighting industry will bring related industries to a fiery trend. LED driving power will enter into a new era as its heart is generally important parts.

As a kind of energy saving and environmental protection products, LED will save energy about 7 %. The project office of special investigation shows, Kuniteru Aki of electricity each year in more than 3000million degrees, not only save 1/3 percent, which is equivalent to a total investment of over 2000billion annual power output. Undoubtedly, the real energy saving and environmental protection will be accelerated LED lighting.

At this stage, the price of LED lighting equipment is much higher than many radical lighting, LED lighting products also need to heat, power and lens and other peripheral components, therefore, general lighting market in the short-term priming also has the certain difficulty. Interest is the biggest problem which may block the LED lighting LED landscape . LED road lamp is developed rapidly in the field of application. Because the price of the landscape lighting products is cheap, so it has a strong market competitiveness. At the same time, the world urbanization process of China is one of the fastest, driven by government policies, the country for high power, high brightness. Energy-saving LED lights is in extremely demand related data display. There is no doubt that the LED will also make great progress in the near future.

LED lighting industry and enterprises are facing four major problems(the following)

3. The price war. Chip technology improvement, raw material
overcapacity etc caused LED lighting products in LED lighting industry, price reduction that is the development trend of the industry.But there are many businesses of fish in troubled waters on the market. Shoddy,counterfeiting and other acts of “LED” under the banner of “cheap banner hanging sheep’s head to sell the dog to hurt consumers’ Heart, also caused the to unfair competition of industry. The true price war is bound to dampen consumer confidence to new thing.The lighting companies how to reshape consumer confidence, to create a cost-effective product. The highlight of lighting companies is how to carry out publicity and channel activity.

LED lighting industry and enterprises are facing four major problems(the following)

4. Quality problems.Quality and Technical Supervision in the Guangdong
Province inspect to LED lighting products sampling, inspected a total
of 23 batches about the LED Panel Light products of production self-ballasted Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Zhongshan, Huizhou, Dongguan etc 21 enterprises in the seven cities In September.17 batches failed inspection,and pass rate is less than 30%. Even some of the better-known brand products also fail. Although LED lighting has a long lifespan, good light effect. Yet it is on the base of good raw materials and seal technology only. The quality of products
manufactured by the corporate R & D technology, seal technology,
Radiating technology whether can meet the requirements described. Of course, prefer the original spending habits. Homogenization of LED lighting industry Products Inquiries lighting companies how to market segments to create a distinctive lighting products is the first rule of the lighting business innovation.

Some relative experts said, the high price is drag for LED lights in sales, but the popularity of LED lamps among is also a big reason. While the domestic market is relatively immature, so the key in competition ability of the product is from enterprise’s price, public relations ability and interpersonal relationship.

To sum up: the battle for the LED lighting industry and market has been opened, but the pain of transition, homogenization, price, quality still are the problems facing the lighting company. In the face of numerous enterprise competition, to formulate product strategy, brand positioning, and improving the technology is the enterprise core shaft.

LED lighting industry and enterprises are facing four major problems

Recently, LED lighting companies around start to be “fresh”, swept away the haze of the LED business closures due to overcapacity and other reasons.Kwok-sing Lighting first Operations Center located in Changzhou. Shenzhen Green Semiconductor Lighting Co., Ltd. Launched the first high-end LED lighting stores.Three male Aurora , co-sponsored the first domestic retail energy-efficient lighting project research,the traditional lighting companies the NVC lighting began to invest heavily in LED lighting products…Visibly under in national subsidies for local policies “booster” ,lighting companies around start to show the “Sword”. LED lighting products, channels battle pull the prelude. In the face of government and enterprises to carry out LED lighting industry in full swing, and lighting companies enter the transition of LED lighting industry and the traditional lighting companies .After experiencing a heat development, cold encounter, price surges, how to adjust their own goals and product strategic positioning, still face the inquiries of four problem.

LED lighting industry and enterprises are facing four major problems

1, the pain of traditional lighting business transformation. Face national local government  “Drastic” for promotion and  popularization LED lights.Led light “were praised”, consumers face a new thing, dare not to rush to accept the situation. “Contradictions” in advance of the traditional lighting companies, both want to seize “opportunities”, they need to rely on traditional lighting business as the support. It is an example of the traditional lighting companies NVC Lighting difficult transition, experienced senior unrest, strike of the underlying and channel division, are still in the run-in period. Although  the three executives unanimously united force in the development of LED lighting, However, the road ahead will be long ,come the bottom search . Therefore, the traditional lighting companies how to balance traditional lighting and LLED lighting industry the Road of “Shou and attack , ” how to better seize market opportunities, to play the channel edge.Looking for the LED Panel Light successful transformation is one of the  issues traditional lighting companies need to ponder.

2. LED lighting products homogenization of Shameless. LED lighting in addition to energy saving and environmental protection low carbon light efficiency and long life and goods can better achieve intelligent lighting system intelligent control, sensing dimming technology, first lamps designed light source. However, the lack of innovation in LED lighting products and traditional lighting products change, lighting design homogenization, consumers do not discern the difference between the light source and, faced with the same lighting.

The LED lighting industry in Tibet

This year is the Tibet area to carry out LED lighting industry and LED lamp promotion. The relevant departments plan to promote the use of 600000 LED lamps during the year, and use 3.5 hours of the day, day and day up to save 100000 kwh electricity, which is equivalent to compensate for the reservoir region of the 1/4 to use electric breach, it will greatly ease the tight power supply situation in Tibet area.

The LED lighting industry in Tibet

The solar energy at here is very rich, but summer power is more abundant, and it don’t need other inputs, so there are a lot of people using electricity, LED lamp  in LED lighting industry is not only for the country to carry out energy saving, but also building green environmental protection social call response and support, it is help to improve the local farming herdsman masses lighting environment and quality of life measures.

Tibet, along with the most abundant solar energy resources, ranking the forefront of geothermal and wind resource, in the development of green energy, it has the advantage to be richly endowed by nature, so it develops very fast in recent years. Combining green energy with green lighting, it will make the local sustainable development go on a harmony road. These LED lamps will further promote the Tibet area residents to eliminate high energy-consuming lighting products, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions and accelerate the pace of comprehensive protect environment.

On July, Tibet area received a peak year using electricity, daily consumption of a gap of nearly 400000 kilowatt hour. Hope green can convert to bright green, in order to save energy, reduce emissions of pollutants to Tibet, for the masses to bring energy saving and environmental protection green life.

Although people know that using ” LED ” is cheap, but should pay large sums of money to buy lamps. Lhasa city resident Yangjin said: ” those of us ordinary people and Agricultural Pastoral masses, generally can only afford a few yuan traditional lighting, other a few yuan hundreds of yuan of products, looks good, but it has the condition to use, just don’t come up with the money. ” Located in Lhasa City, Lin Kuo North Road Lighting outlets boss Liu Yincai says.

The expert points out, Tibet LED lighting industry use a vast market, mass people looks forward to research units to develop more economical and affordable products. These products are not only applied to the life, but also to the social production. It also brings convenience and efficiency, so that the LED Panel Light of Tibet resource change into economic advantage.

India announced the latest trends of the LED lighting industry

Electronics For You is a flagship magazine of EFY Group. Recently, EFY has published a latest report for the LED lighting industry in India. Although LED lighting technology has a lot of advantages compared with other traditional lamps, like longer service life, more environmental friendly, more energy efficient, and less health-hazarded, LED products still cannot be mass produced in India as a result of the over-expensive initial production costs. Therefore, in India, almost every LED makers are eager to create a kind of LED lighting products that are completely competent for commercial operations, just like incandescent bulbs does. They still need innovations on the road to achieving this goal.


India announced the latest trends of the LED lighting industry


The luminous efficiency and output luminous flux of LED lights doubled every 36 months, as well as the total performance, which is consistent with Moore’s Law. In the past few years, LED lighting technology has been improved in many aspects: performance, color and quality. Based on different application solutions, the color temperature can be fixed within the range of 2700K to 6500K. And 70-95 for color rendering index (CRI). The life cycle of White-ray LED lighting applications have reached up to 100,000 hours, which dramatically reduces maintenance and replacement costs.


The report pointed out that the entire LED lighting industry is very optimistic, full of innovations:


1)       Omni-directional LED lights, just like incandescent lights does. If LED lights want to be the benchmark of general lighting industry, omni-directional lighting is necessary. Only the omni-directional LED lamp technology is able to provide solutions for multi-directional lighting modes. As a matter of fact, the LED lighting industry in India was followed this direction all the time, from the very early stage of development to now, from the simple equivalent LED lighting technologies to traditional lamps, from single-color LED lights to RGB LED applications, from lamps to intelligent lighting system.

2)       Organic LED. It is expected that this kind of LED lights can be the most environmental friendly lighting technology in the future due to their small size and high performance.

3)       Clever design. This provides an alternative for traditional incandescent lamps, similar parameters and output optical energy.

4)       Non-contact phosphor technology. This technology was mainly invented to reduce the cost.

5)       AC LED lamps. These lamps can maintain the same output optical output with DC LED lamps. There will be no need to conduct the AC to DC conversion.

LED lighting industry has its modes for chasing money

A few days ago, I attached the LED seminar held in Shanghai. About 200 people attended, most of them are local LED manufacturers. Some of them delivered a speech in the seminar, shared their experience or expressed their opinions on running a LED company in the right direction.


A few days ago, I attached the LED seminar held in Shanghai. About 200 people attended, most of them are local LED manufacturers.


As the 4th generation lighting source, LED lighting industry still in the early stage of their development, full of potentials and opportunities, plus the support policies coming from local governments. During this meeting, many attendances posed questions, like “Many LED patents are about to expire. What kind of influences would this effect on the entire domestic LED lighting industry? Positive or negative? ”, “In terms of market, What the size of it during the replacement process (fluorescent lamps replaced by LED lights)?”, “Whether the gathering of LED industrial bases can be finally realized?”. Most attendances were filled with expectation and nervous. No one has a clear sight for the future in such market chaos.


In the Japanese market, as a result of power shortages caused by the earthquake and tsunami, energy-saving technology, like LED lamps have become a hot topic among buyers, producers and even the government. LED bulbs enjoyed a hot selling in 2011, shortening the distance with incandescent bulbs. It is expected that the sales hot will be continued in 2012. On the other side, with the increasingly mature of LED technology and gradually normalization of the market, the price of LED bulbs continuously dropped for a long time. According the related research results, the dropping rate of LED bulbs’ prices was even higher than LED screens in 2011. However, some experts yet came with totally opposite conclusions. In their opinion, by the end of 2012, the Japanese LED bulb market will touch the top and then turn down.


In consideration of the above analysis, some LED producers started to shifted their attention from LED bulbs to LED ceiling mounted lamps. LED ceiling mounted lamps is a type of LED panel, which is another important member in the whole family of LED lighting industry. Normally, selling prices of LED ceiling mounted lamps are within the range of 20,000 yen to 50,000 yen. Although they were classified as high-value commodities, they still had good performances in Japanese market. According to the introduction of GfK, LED ceiling mounted lamps accounted for about 70% sales in the complete market for ceiling mounted lamps.