T5 high bay lights: battles in Japan

“Some of the T5 high bay lights business of LED Lights is not in place of factory management, even if the product quality through the PSE certification, but its factory conditions can not PSE certification through Pu, general manager of Panggui Wei said.

T5 high bay lights: battles in Japan

However, Watanabe Yasushi, Japan JET lighting division executives have a different point of view, he told reporters: March last year after the earthquake, more and more Chinese products to get into the Japanese market, but in the actual testing, a lot of China’s production of T5 high bay lights life is not advertised so longevity, including damage to the overheating of the drive power is one of the most common problems. ”


Watanabe, Jing also said that exports to Japan LED lighting products, including more than 50% do not meet the requirements, mainly due to Chinese manufacturers of the relevant product standards in Japan are not familiar with.


At the same time, China’s export enterprises also face the challenge of the local lighting manufacturers in Japan.


Japan’s largest T5 high bay lights manufacturers, Matsushita Electric (Panasonic), decided this year to a major organizational transformation, downstream of the Panasonic Lighting Company merged with the lighting department of the Matsushita Electric Lighting Business Group. Matsushita Electric Works, said the reorganization, the fight for the 2012 annual sales of 35 billion yen, with 25 billion yen in Japan and overseas for 10 billion yen. 2015 annual sales will reach 100 billion yen, of which, led high bay lighting will account for 40% market share in mainland Japan.