Southeast Asia and Africa: emerging markets for LED lighting applications

In 2012, the gross market size of Thailand lighting market is approximate 250 million USD. The LED penetration rate is around 10%. It is estimated that by 2015, the penetration rate of LED lighting applications in Thailand market will increase to more than 45%. Currently, the Thailand Government is actively planning a series of city lighting projects by using LED lighting applications. A lot of local LED makers and LED manufacturers from other regions, especially from China and Taiwan have engaged into these projects. China’s LED companies mains led lighting with local certificate of origin can enjoy a zero tariffs when exported their products into Thailand. But lighting sources that exported to Thailand still need to provide the local certification.


Southeast Asia and Africa: emerging markets for LED lighting applications


Since most regions of Thailand have a tropical monsoon climate, hot and rainy, LED lighting applications that exported into this country should strengthen the protection of heat and moisture. LED manufacturers need also take into account of exporting LED emergency lights, LED flashlights and other portable LED devices to Thailand.


The Vietnam Government has recently announced a draft of “2011-2020 plan for the national urban development”, hoping to realize a 38% urbanization in the whole country in 2015. Thank to this draft, Vietnam has been considered as another emerging market for LED lighting applications in Southeast Asia. A large number of LED producers from the mainland and Taiwan region have entered into this market, promoting public lighting concepts and industrial lighting products.


In Africa, about 90% rural population is lacking of electricity supply. Small streets or country road are illuminated by nothing. Basic lighting market and municipal lighting market are the two most potential markets in Africa, waiting for development. For a long time, the lighting market of Africa has been in a low-level stage. They do not have many strict requirements in product performances and functions. Products with low production costs, basic lighting functions, longer service life and simple operation can fully meet the need of local markets. United Nations have launched a series of development lighting programs in Africa, supplying more energy efficient LED lighting applications to users from Africa. Off-grid solar LED lighting products, indoor and portable LED lamps, 1W-5W solar LED bulbs and LED emergency lights are very popular in African market.