Referee of led lighting panels

The referee, the office or person responsible for maintaining the track order, and the implementation of the rules of the game in the sport. The referee must be elected from a third country other than the game both sides of the country in many international competitions, to show an independent, impartial and disinterested conflict. Mostly wear black clothing, soccer referee, so often called a “black judges, the referee’s pocket with a red card and a yellow card.

Every game should be delegated the task of a referee the implementation of the referee. When he entered the venue, began to exercise the rules and terms of reference entrusted to him.

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The responsibilities of game suspension or the game into a dead ball foul, the referee both fined the right. The referee in the game, in accordance with the actual situation of the game, such as results of the competition by the judgment, should be the final judgment. He should:
(A) The rules for implementation.
(B) to avoid making a favorable penalty foul team.
(C) recording the scores and game time, game game enough time or a mutually agreed time, and make up the time lost due to occasional accidents or other reasons.
(D) for violation of rules, the case of rain, the audience or outside interference, and other reasons prevent the game, the referee has the right to suspend, postpone or terminate the game. Afterwards within the stipulated time in accordance with the relevant requirements of the specific circumstances of a written report to the organizer. Written report within the stipulated time of posting and is in line with procedures.
(E) from the referee into the playing area, is guilty of misconduct and improper behavior of the players should be given a warning and a yellow card. Afterwards within the stipulated time, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the players name and the specific circumstances of a written report to the organizer.
(F) In addition to the race team and linesman without the referee to allow no person shall enter the competition venues.
(G) If the referee that the players were seriously injured, shall immediately stop the game, should the injured as quickly as possible move to OTC, and an immediate resumption of the game. A member who suffered minor injuries, the game should not stop the former into a dead ball. Where a member went to the sideline or goal line to accept any caregiver may not be in the floor care.
(H) The referee for the violence of the field players, serious foul play, use foul or abusive language, as well as by the warning is still guilty of misconduct, should be fine to make appearances and a red card.
(I) in every game after a pause, signal instructions to restore competition.
(J) validation meets the requirements of Chapter II of the rules of the game ball.
The other three explanations:
A. Court in accordance with the law, the decision made in the case, is divided into two kinds of judgments and decisions.
Two. According to the competition rules of the sport, the athletes race results and race to judge.
3. Serve to judge the work of people in sports competitions: soccer referee international referee. Also called the referee.

(1) as an international match referee, referees, should be worn and competition the color of clothing a significant difference between the referee service.
(2) the referee of international competitions, in addition to the association of the countries concerned agreed to send the Association under the officers, should be served by the neutrality of its own personnel.
(3) The referee must be selected from the official list of international referees. In amateur and youth international competitions, from time to adopt this resolution.
(4) before the game, game or competition, in the event the audience, staff, players, substitutes have been registered, or other lack of discipline or misconduct, whether in the stadium or stadium near, the referee shall report to the organizer, in order to take appropriate measures.
(5) linesman the referee’s assistant. Such as referees in a position in favor of the judgment, and see what happens, you do not consider the prompt signal of the linesman. If the linesman is neutral, and in a more favorable position, the referee should be considered a signal of the linesman. Such as the linesman to enter the ball in front of the ball provides a timely signal, the referee may be considered the linesman prompt signal and sentenced to the ball invalid.
(6) The referee can only be changed before the game resumes judgment.
(7) If the referee has decided to use on favorable terms, so the game continues, regardless of the enabling party to benefit, even if not given any sign that one shall be arbitrarily change the original decision. Use of the favorable terms does not mean not being dealt with foul players.
(8) of the rules is intended to smooth competition to be disturbed as little as possible, referees should be fined intentional foul behavior. Such as recurrent minor foul and merely suspected foul whistle penalty will make the players disgusted, angry, and affect audience emotions.
Chapter 5 (d) of the rules (9) shall be the referee in case of serious disturbances in the right to terminate the game, but no right to cancel any one team from the competition, or to determine the outcome of the game, the referee should be specific written report on the organizer.
(10) players at the same time there are two different kinds of infractions, the referee response to foul heavier penalty.
(11) referee I can not be found, should be made in accordance with the signal of the neutral linesman prompted.
(12) when the game without the referee motioned to allow over-the-counter No person shall enter the competition venue.
(13) in the game, coaches can convey tactical instructions to the venue athletes, coaches or other officials must strictly adhere to their duties, and off-site command is only allowed in specified technical area.
(14) as the game substitute referee must be in accordance with the provisions established by the Council of International Football.