One thousand LED street lights illuminate the holy sea

Nanhai District of Wenden Management Committee invested more than 20 million yuan to implement the holy sea lighting project was successfully completed recently , Nanhai District transportation facilities has been further improved .

One thousand LED street lights illuminate the holy sea

North Sea from downtown St. Xiangshan Road and State Road 309 interchange , passing the town Zhangjiachan , Hou , Zeku so straight south China Sea Newport . Across the board to install 1,240 LED street lights, not only to meet the passage of people and vehicles at night lighting needs , but also to further improve road safety factor .

From mid- November last year , Nanhai District Construction Bureau organized construction personnel to intensify the construction and erection of electrical department coordinated wires, install the substation to ensure the timely completion of projects that benefit this one .

Nanhai District Urban Construction Bureau Deputy Chief at Long Bin said that they overcome the harsh conditions of winter construction , working overtime to catch up period , for the convenience of the people during the Spring Festival travel safety protection .

Currently, all major roads Nanhai District has installed street lights over 4000 , this year , they plan to re-enter more than 2000 yuan , starting northbound smooth sea, the modern West , the rural road projects such as road lighting , street lamps installed over 2,000 lights, Nanhai District to further improve transport facilities , to enhance the development of high-end industrial bearing the blue level .