Obama warned Iran that “window of opportunity” solar powered led street lights in the narrow

Obama warned Iran that "window of opportunity" solar powered led street lights in the narrow


Abstract: According to the British “Daily Telegraph”, March 14, the 14th U.S. President Barack Obama warned solar powered led street lights through diplomatic channels to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue of the “window of opportunity is narrowing, called on Iran to avoid any morebadconsequences. ”
World Wide Web Reporter Guo Wenjing reported, According to the British “Daily Telegraph”, March 14, the 14th U.S. President Barack Obama warned through diplomatic channels to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue on the “window of opportunity is narrowing,called on Iran to avoid caused by “bad consequences”.

Iran in the past tend to delay with the solar powered led street lights world his country’s dialogue, “Obama said at a news conference with visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron. “I think they should understand … through diplomatic channels to solve this problem the opportunity to reduce,” Obama said: “We will do everything possible to use diplomatic means to solve the problem, but in the end, we need to take seriously this problem sitting next to the negotiating table. I hope that the Iranian authorities to understand this. ”

According to Reuters, 14 reported that Obama, their economies of international sanctions against Iran has had a major impact this summer to implement a new round of sanctions or the Iranian economy will lead to greater damage.

“I have been directly and openly on Iran solar powered led street lights to convey the information that they need to seize the opportunities for negotiation, to avoid worse consequences in the future to Iran.”Obama said.

Obama said his goal was not to led high bay contain a nuclear Iran, but to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

It is reported that the EU has called on Iran’s resumption of the Iranian nuclear issue of the”5 +1″ talks (the five permanent members of UN Security Council and Germany). To respond to Iran, said Iran was ready to restart the dialogue with the 5 +1 Group, and will soon send a letter to these countries.