March Du Fu’s busy, the home led light is also very vast

March Du Fu's busy, the home led light is also very vast

March, who is the most busy guy? – The busiest than Du Fu. Du Fu’s sudden burst of red on the network, home led light, on his picture of the graffiti on the microblogging crazy pass, Du Fu and sometimes hand carry machine guns, and sometimes brandished a knife and cut themelon, led high bay sometimes the body of a white horse, and sometimes foot motor. Friendsdubbed “Du Fu busy . “Spoof of Du Fu’s behind is a collective impetuous and confusedexpression. But was confused and impulsive filled, not just friends, as well as the LED industry.

2012, for the LED industry, was optimistic, it was bad-mouthing. Optimistic, you think,”energy conservation, the general trend, home led light, the government behind a sunrise industry and broad prospects”; bad-mouthing those who cry “LED lights difficult to sell, and consequently prices, LED lights, no price increases, cost rise, profits fell and fierce fight,sooner or later die of a large number of “. Do not bother optimistic about the bad-mouthing, the LEDs in there, not sad not happy with.

Said the bystander, March LED allows Xiaobian this onlooker ever more confusing: thefirst semiconductor lighting products in 2012 financial subsidies to promote the project, “the official launch of LED companies eager to 110 units bid, but burst out,” offer High “chaos; home led light, China Environmental and Resources committee, director Xue-min revealed thatthe Environmental and Resources Working Committee in the” 12th five-Year “period toarrange 8 billion central extra budgetary funds, the purchase of 4 million highly efficientLED road lighting products, which the industry those who are inspired by, but then the National Development and Reform Commission said do not know “China’sEnvironmental and Resources Working Committee” organization, all of a sudden thematter of subsidies is overwhelming …

Of course, this March, thankfully things: March 3 – 13, during the two sessions, on behalfof the committee members have the bottleneck of the development of LED industry, out of close to reality “prescription”; in LED China Forum 2012, we heard the inventors ofthe blue LED Professor Shuji Nakamura, home led light, love thinking strong Co., Ltd., vice president ofGreater China, Dr. Christian Geng, BridgeLux R & D vice president, Long Yang,wonderful speech, the interpretation of the current LED technology all kinds ofinnovation; in the Japan LED Next Stage 2012 “to improve the luminous efficiency, lampefficiency, color rendering index, and large with light angle such as LED lighting appliance product line, to show us the infinite charm and extensive use of LED lighting.