LED street lighting market will see a new center of gravity


LED street lighting market will see a new center of gravity


By 2011, Shenzhen City, only the closure of the LED lighting business more than 80, also in 2011 in Foshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, with the Department of Jin Yicheng the LED lighting business failures. Immediately after Shenzhen, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, LED lighting companies deep collapse of the cold wave. In the winter of 2011, China’s LED lighting industry could feel that cold advent.


However, in contrast with the closures is the field of LED street lighting market continues to expand and more and more attention to the attitude of the LED lighting.


In early March, the Ministry of Finance and other ministries for LED products to start the 2012 financial subsidies to promote the project tender, covering indoor and outdoor LED lighting products, subsidies take the indirect way of subsidies. According to informed sources, the proportion of subsidies of about 30% of the purchase price, the total amount is expected to reach hundreds of millions of scale will effectively leveraging LED street lighting market in particular, the lighting field of bulk users.


Side is the LED high bay lighting business failures chaos side policy Chunfeng unlimited. The most development potential of the emerging industry, production capacity surplus situation can bend? Will face a major reshuffle? Future development pattern in turn happen to?


Shenzhen LED Industry Federation Member Services Vice Minister Tian strong view that the price war is certainly not the ultimate goal, in fact, truly large-scale LED will not choose this strategy. Closed down in 2011 although a number of small and medium enterprises, however, like the ground on the optical and other annual sales of over billion enterprise, and even sales of more than two $ 30 million of the lighting business remains steady development, have increased the LED layout.